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Stinky Poo


New Kit
My Flemish Giant girl has been living with me for about 3 weeks now. She is almost 4 months old. In the past week her poop has been getting stinkier and stinkier. I'm sure this could be for a number of reasons. Change in enviroment, new foods, and possibly her age and that she is not yet spayed.

Anyone have suggestions for why this is and what I can do? I made an appointment for her spay but that is about a month away, should I take her to the vet sooner?:roll:
The only poops that I know that are stinky are their grape poop's that they eat (not nice to give kisses whilst they are eating one so I discovered:oops::lol:) If you are finding accessive untouched caecotrrophy's then that is usually down to too much protein in the diet so I have read:)
What are you feeding her?
She should be on a decent rabbit pellet, some veg and lots of good quality hay..
cut out the veg and then gradually re introduce..and up her hay..this should help
Probioctic added to her drinking water will help to re establish her gut flora too :D
Thanks for the replies,
She has been eating Rabbit Chow (which is what I give all my buns) I started her out slow with the veg about a handfull of cilantro in the morning and maybe a little mint before bed. She hasn't been eating a lot of hay so I bought some new stuff just for her and a couple of new hay racks so that it is always near by.
What sort of probiotic do you suggest? I read some where else that she may need to take Albon...?>>> Any one have any experience with this?