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Mixing Breeds


New Kit
I have kept bunnies for the last 20 years just as a single pet. For the past 15 years I have always had a single dutch but I now have 2 dutch males, Smudge is 8.5 years old and Jasper is 6 months old. Both live in their own hutches but I would like to get Jasper a female partner and was thinking of getting a female Lion Head - does anyone know if you can mix breeds and if so whether a Dutch and Lion Head would be ok.
Are you planning on getting them both neutered? A male and female tend to be the best pairing the breed doesn't matter, I have a male dutch and a female mixed breed both are neutered. If they are not neutered and are allowed to breed problems could be caused with the babies due to different head shapes etc. There are lots of lionheads on Rabbit Rehome at the moment.

Helen x
Jasper was neutered in December and the vet said to wait 3 months before giving him a unneutered female partner.
I have read some comments on the web about neutering females because it can reduce the chance of cancer?
I am quite prepared to get the female neutered if that is the best thing to do.
Neutering does reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, it will also help the bonding process and make her a much happier bun. Also if she is not neutered she may continually hump your male bun and have phantom pregnancies. Also as it is almost spring both my neutered buns are humping each other :roll:

Hope you find you male bun a friend, if you go to a rescue they may be able to bond them for you and a female bun will also probably already be spayed depending on her age :)
Two of my buns are pure breed but they both have mixed breed mates and haved lived in honeymoon land for years now.
Finally found a female lionhead rabbit for my dutch. They got on fine from the start and have been living happily together for the last week. It all went too easy, I was expected fights but they haven't occurred yet.