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play pen


Young Bun
Do you all let your bunnies run in a pen? If so, how big is your pen? And how long do they spend in the cage?

If you have any pictures that would be helpful.


Are you talking house bunnys or outside Bunnies?

Our bun has a 42" dog crate she is a house bunny,

She is out roaming around for at least 7 - 8 hours a day.

At night time she gets shut in crate and when we are out!

We are goibg to invest in a pan to attach to crate so she can out of crate when we are out or in bed! Gives her little more space
I think the more room the better, my bunnies have the run of my utility room which is about 14ft by 5ft with there hutch open, they are never shut in the hutch. When im in they have the run of the utility, kitchen, and my big lounge. They also have a 6ft by 8ft run outside for nice days. (my dad made it!):D

My 2 dutch outdoor bunnies i had when i was younger had 2 hutches open in a walk in 6ft by 8 ft run and then supervised had the run of our huge garden, when we went out we had a run to go on the grass that was also 8ft by 6ft. They were also never shut in a hutch, i think its really making the best of the space you have, bunnies like to have a good run and jump around, my 2 do laps of the lounge flat out :lol: and huge leaps.