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Neutering Question


Warren Veteran
I am thinking of getting Bluebell neutered so I can get him a girlfriend. I know the pros but can anyone tell me what risks are involved? Also idea of cost?

I've not had my bunny neutered yet but from what I hear it's a very simple straight forward procedure for male buns, slightly more complicated for females because it's invasive.

I think the only risks are with the GA if the bun has underlying problems like a heart condition. Although they do a general check up to look for things like this beforehand.

The cost can vary considerably from vet to vet. My first vet charged £50 but I left them because I didn't like them at all :? My new vet (the one which will be neutering Bobbin) costs £75, but I see it as money well spent because I trust them to take good care of him.
My vet charged £30 to have Hugo neutered, as the others have said, it's a simple op, my bun was acting like his normal cheeky self by the time i collected him from the vets in the evening.As with anything that involves aneasthetic, there is a risk, but it's a very small one :D
main thing is to find a vet that's used to doing the op on bunnies - they're a lot different than cats and dogs, which is what vets concentrate on at vet college. You need a vet that's done yearly small animal updates and conferences, and that uses isofluorane gas with a sedative for the op - costs more than anaesthetic used on cats but rabbits can't process that well, so a good vet will realise that.
The cost ranges from £35-£65 around me. Cost is not an indication of how good or experienced the vet is ;)

The risk in bucks is low as it is not considered an invasive procedure. Your vet will perform a pre-op check to make sure your rabbit is healthy and you can also request blood tests to establish there are no liver/kidney problems that may put your rabbit at greater risk from the aneasthetic.

I have never lost a buck during a castration and have only had very minor issues with post operative infections before. I have never had a problem getting a buck to resume eating either.

Make sure your vet offers pain relief and a gut stimulant after the operation and that they do NOT instruct you to 'fast' your rabbit prior to the procedure... this is a strong indication the vet is not experienced with rabbits.
My bun was neutered about a month ago now and cost me £62.50. But I guess it varies as others have said the only risk is the anasthetic(sp) and if they have any problems already.

With my bun it was abit risky cos he's older but he was fine, was abit poorly for a couple days but then he was right back to his rascally ways!

And he couldn't get enough of that gut stimulant! He was pooping like mad for a week! :lol: