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Water bottle freezing

koda 6966

New Kit
Dallas has made a habit of only drinking from her water bottle, how can i get her to learn how to use a bowl?
Bunni has never had a problem with bowls and actualy refuses to use bottles, but im afraid Dallas is the exact opposet.
The problem is its winter and her bottle freezes so she cant use it, if she used a bowl i could regularly dump the ice and fill with water.
Any ideas on how to bowl train her?
They usually just pick it up naturally just leave them a bowl and they will work it out.

You can buy bottle snuggles to stop the water freezing (Scratch & Newton make them) or wrap it in bubble wrap covered by old fabric (to stop buny eating the plastic).
I don't think that will be a problem.
Most rabbits I know prefer bowls over bottles. (I know this cause I used to put in both when the water started freezing, however the bottle was always untouched at the end of the day:lol: )
I've never really got on with water bowls as all my buns in the past have just kicked sawdust in it. I use an old sock to cover mine when it's cold - preferably a blokes because they are normally thicker!
Do remember though that even if you wrap the bottle so that the water doesn't freeze, the spout often still freezes so please check it thoroughly anyway as it would be awful for the water in the bottle to be ok but nothing able to come out.
If you get a bowl that can be fastened on the wire, the chances of sawdust getting into it decreases a lot:D
I have one of those...but my rabbits like to eat plastic bowls so I'm not using it:roll:

Zakura and Aroma now use catbowls. And yes, sawdust do get into it occasionally but since I have to change the water rather often anyway it doesn't matter that much.
I ALWAYS put old thick socks over my water bottles, works great, they never freeze now :D All mine have both bottles and bowls so they can choose... most seem to prefer bowls :thumb:
Thank you.
But i felt so horrible today, i went to work and when i got home the bottle was completely FROZEN! my poor little girl was so thirsty that when i put the bowl of water in there today she drank it all up.
I have socks over my bottles at the minute but I am working on adapting a mini thermos flask to have a drip-feed spout so it will NEVER freeze again! i'll let you know if it works. :D

I've tried bowls but they just end up full of debris