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Finally got my little girl home!


Warren Scout
After two looong weeks I finally went to get my baby bunny. She has such a nice temerament. Comes right over to us when we approach her cage, does'nt mind being picked up and enjoys being carried around the house :lol: I carried her in my sweater for about half an hour today while I was making dinner and she almost fell asleep. She's so trusting :D I want to show you some new pictures of her, in these she's spend one night with us and she's checking out Ruffens facilities while he gets his breakfast in the bathroom :lol:








Milla and myself:

She is a light sooty fawn, with genes for red "intensifier" (don't know what you call this colour gene in english). She will be about 2 kilos when she grows up, so she is a bit small for a rex?
Mini rex is not an approved breed in the nordic rabbit standard. But I know a cuple of people are trying to form a standard for the breed and "making" it. ;) Milla was in a litter that is going to be use for this purpose, but she had a crooked tail.