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Flopsy and Jade Do bonding!! U/D 28/7 AM


Wise Old Thumper
Well after a turbulant start, a carrier run up and down the stairs (I don't have a car), water sprayed at them and banana puree, they seem to have come around to the idea of being friends. :)



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Woohoo, my gorgeous girls like each other :) I spent most of yesterday asking Rob if he thought they would make friends. Louise you are a superstar!!! I am soooo happy!! How is Flopsy doing? Hx
Is this the second bond you have done this week??! :shock: :shock: :D They look really happy together, Well done!! If you arent careful I'll inflict my girls on you!!! :shock:

No, Im joking - I wouldnt do that to *anyone*!! :lol:
yep second bonding this week ;)

Hannah, you are going to have your hands full with this pair! Either that or they are showing me the error of my ways and I should put the bunny treats away better.

I went to check on them last night before bed, and found they had the end of a bag od banana chips. they didn't seem to know what they were and Jade had a nibble, but other than that they were ok.

This morning I woke up to the contents of a bucket on the floor and them munching on carroties (the carrot shaped ones) I must have just disturbed them in thier crime as when I went to clear up, they were gone!!!