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In need of advise...


New Kit
Basically i've got Rodney a male rabbit living with Charlie a male guinea pig in one hutch, and a female Nellie with a 5 week old baby boy in another, I don't want to get rid of him because he was there only baby, however the problem comes with not knowing where to put him. Both hutches have fairly large runs attatched and I don't have room in the garden for another one, I was hoping to keep Pip in with Nellie, but since discovering he's a boy I don't want any inbred babies, and he's obviously not old enough to be neutered for a while and in the meantime could potentially get his Mother pregnant.

My Mum has said I could get Nellie done and keep them together, or get Rodney done - he needs to be soon anyway, and put him in with Nellie and Pip in with Charlie but I don't want to sepatate the boys as they've been together since they were both 8 weeks old. Any ideas or advise on what you would do??
:wave: I would get Nellie speyed and put the 3 pigs in together ie in with the baby when it is big enough to be with the male (I don't know the score on this with pigs - whether you have to wait or not). Then get a friend for Rodney. Charlie and the bun will be lonely coz guinea pigs can't speak rabbit and rabbits can't speak guinea pig so they might as well be on their own. Is also dangerous for the pig to be with a bun and they like to have friends. :cry: And they eat totally diff. things etc.
:wave: Difficult one, but I just want to check I've got this right first if that's ok?

Rodney and Nellie are parents to Pip - all are rabbits.

Rodney currently lives with Charlie a guinea pig - both unneutered?

Nellie currently lives with Pip who is 5 weeks old - both unneutered.

To be honest I would separate Charlie and Rodney - unfortunately contrary to popular belief rabbits and guinea pigs are not good hutch mates and many rescues will tell you how piggy behaviour changes and becomes much happier once they are separated from rabbits they have been living with. Rabbits are much more domineering and an unneutered male especially could seriously harrass a little guinea pig and seriously injure it. Buns have big feet and piggies have been known to suffer broken backs if a bun suddenly jumps or startles and accidentally lands on it.

If you can afford it I would suggest getting Rodney neutered as soon as possible, he needs several weeks after the op to check he is no longer fertile. You can then save up to get Nellie neutered once Pip is a little older. He is ok to keep with mum until 10 weeks old, they often don't mature until 12 weeks or so, so perhaps you could get Nellie neutered when Pip is around 8-10 weeks old. It's possible the three of them would get on together if you introduce them carefully on neutral territory and have Pip neutered as soon as his 'bits' drop. That way you could have a bunny hutch and a piggy hutch and maybe get a new friend for Charlie?
Thanks for the help...
Yep that's all correct

That does sound like quite a feasible plan Rodney really needs neutering soon anyway he's getting quite boisturous and flicking pee at me. Would it be ok having the 3 together? Not the whole 'threes a crowd' or nothing, and I don't know if it makes a difference now they're all older but originally I got Rodney to be a friend for Nellie, she was already a few months old but the rabbit she lived with died and I didn't want her to be on her own, however she didn't take to Rodney and attacked him consequently taking quite a large chunk out of his back. Obviously this led to me separating them and she's lived alone until Pip came along, and I got Charlie as a friend for Rodney - was never told not to put a guinea pig and rabbit together and made clear that's what would be happening, i've had that pairing before and it's never been an issue. But yes more to the point, since she did that to him once in a more confined space when he was a baby will she be alright with him living with her now?
agree with Alisons suggestions..
and please do split the piggie from the bun..we've had several arrive here with dreadful injuries from being kept together:cry:
Only one thing to add and that is have you sufficient space to keep a trio of rabbits together?

The reason they probably fought previously was because they were un-neutered.....did you place Rodney into Nellies hutch?
oooh! I thought you had 3 pigs and a bun!!:shock: I would defo get Charlie a friend- pigs hate being on their own.
Yeah I think it was a terrotorial thing when I put them together before. At the moment my hutches aren't big enough for 3 rabbits, i've got 2 both the same size they're fine for 2 but not all 3.
Oh I wont leave the guinea pig alone, he'll be lost without Rodney as it is so i'll get him another friend, will I have to get a female or can I put 2 boys together?