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Warren Veteran
You were such a special boy who loved life, no matter how cruel it had been to you. When I first took you out of the rescue I didn't think you would make it through the night, but you were a fighter, you showed both the vet and myself what courage and determination you had, you took your meds without a struggle as though you knew I was helping you.

I had to bath you regularly - again you never struggled and when I dried you you would lick my arm like you were grooming me in return:love:

You had good days and bad days, sometimes you would try and binky even though your legs were not strong, but you wanted to enjoy your life to the full, I shall miss you so much, every morning you would hear my voice and come for a fuss:love:

I knew we hadn't long left together yesterday, I stroked you and told you how much I loved you and it was time to go, you left me late last night, your little body was so tired and couldn't take any more:cry:

Although my heart is breaking I know you are now free from pain, binky free my brave little boy, I'll miss you so much:cry:

Oh Sue, my heart is breaking for you, I know you loved him very, very much, you gave him a chance of happiness, a chance of a real life and most of all you gave him love which he had never had before in his life, I am sure he will always be in your heart

Binky free gorgeous Digby, pain free and running and binkying high in the lush long grass at Rainbow Bridge, have fun when you get there, go and find all the others and they will take care of you xxx
Oh Sue :cry:

Digby was so lucky to have found the love and special care that you gave him .x

Have fun at the bridge brave Digby.x
So sorry to hear Digby has left you.
I wish our pets never had to go.
I dread the day it is my turn again, I look at them and think I could not bear the pain of losing any one of them:cry:
the love and care you gave to digby was amazing and he obviously loved you as much as you loved him.

i'm so sorry.

sleep tight gorgeous boy xxxx
This is such sad news.
Digby knew love & dignity with you.
Sleep tight brave boy.
I'm so sorry Sue. Digby was a very special bunny indeed; you must have been honoured to know him and I'm sure he would have felt the same way about you. Huge hugs. xxx

Sleep well handsome Digby. xx