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Boys behaving badly!!


New Kit
Hi everyone, need some help !! again :?

My little buns is now 13 weeks old (cant believe how big he is already) :eek: He will not do his poopies in a tray or even one specific corner. I had a female french lop before this bunny and she little trained in no time at 13 weeks all i did was move some of her poop into the tray and she added to it :lol: My little Samson however isn't remotely interested in were i want him to do it - is this because he's a boy :?:
Also will i have to have him neutered? he is an only rabbit :D

Donna & Samson the continental giant
I have a male bunny and he is very good with his tray, I think it is down to each bunny being an individaul, just like kids some will keep their room spotless others are mucky little devils :roll: :lol: :lol:
Hi donna

Well all my buns are different - Twinkle will poo anywhere but Bluebelle is ever so neat :D

Mash and Aggue used to just do it any old place but since I got a plastic storage box, filled it with hay and put it on its side they both go there :D - it was meant to be a hidey bed for them but is now a glorified litter box.

You could try yours with that :D

Good luck - oh and I would neuter him as it may stop him throwing any boy strops and would also be handy if you ever did get a pal for him.

lol PAm
he may get better after being nuetered, I was lucky Coby was good even before the nueter but I think it can help but is in no way a guarantee

good luck :)
All buns are different. Neutering usually helps with behavior and litter training, even if he is an only bun. All my buns are different, but I noticed that litter training is better when buns live in a group. This might just be my buns, but nobody was trained until they were neutered (2 boys and 3 girls).

Good luck with the training!