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How do I increase my bun's weight...


Mama Doe
...without the other one overeating?

Sylvia has always been a small Frenchy at just 9lbs. She was a runt and tiny when born and is now just under 12 months old. Oli is 5lbs - perfect weight - but a little older (about 1.5-2 yrs). He tends to get sticky bottom very easily.

I feed them 2oz Burgess Super Excel twice a day plus unlimited hay plus a pile of veggies (spring greens and celery for them both, carot and broccoli extra for Sylvia - these give Oli sticky bottom and calcium urine - plus the odd grape or other piece of fruit).

Any ideas how I can increase Sylvia's weight without allowing Oli to go off the rails? Should I increase the greens or hay or take away the pellets or something else? Help! thanks :?
baby food worked really well with Pie - I just took him away from the others for ten minutes or so and gave hima couple of teaspoons of baby food (vegetarian under 4 months) - he loved it and it really chubbed him up :D

It got to the stage that he would see me coming and would literally leap onto my arms in order to get to his special snack :D

lol PAm
when i had a sick baby bunniy he became really skinny so had to bulid him up, fed him baby food, muslie, dry bread, weetabix, bananna, all these seem to do the tick i know other people who uses these to bulid up bunnies
Dried grass might help, you can buy it from pet shops, i always use it as a supplement, as well as hay. Brocolli stalks are good as well, we used these to wean our rabbit when she was a baby. Porridge oats are good as well. The dried foods might work better, as well as helping with the weight issue.
Great, thanks everyone. I do feed her the odd piece of banana and she LOVES it. Also Ryvita but only tiny amounts at the mo. I will try some of these yummy treats and see what she likes - thank you :)
Is she under weight or just a small rabbit? You won't make her grow bigger by feeding her up you'll just make her fat ;) Breed weights are just a guide, and not a target weight for an individual rabbit. If she has a healthy diet of plenty of hay and a few pellets (which it sounds like she does) she should maintain a healthy weight. If she isn't...she is under weight then you need to discuss it with a vet as there could be an under lying problem.

What Tamsin said! lol

If your bun is really just skinny rather than small, I've been told that Weetabix will help them to increase in weight...