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Alpha Buck
I think I may have posted before but just want to get some ideas on it and I cant find the old one.

My senario is 4 bunnies, 3 live together (1 male, 2 females all speyed and neutered) and 1 single bunny (believed to be female but she doesnt stay still long enough to check)

Now I want Squishie to have a mate (the lone one) as she is a playful bunny and I think it would be great for her to have a play mate.

My options are
1. get another bunny which I am all for but my o/h thinks we have enough already and dont need anymore (I try tempting him with lionheads etcetc) and we would have to get one that was neutered or get Squishie neutered which is ok but it would have to wait a couple of months

2. Take Thora from the 3some and bond her with Squishie, now they accidently spent part of the night together when she escaped and when we found Thora she was laid out by Squishies pen and they were looking at each other. They are both playful and think it would be good for them but as we are now it would be 2 does together (unless Squishie is hiding something!!) and meaning spliting her up from the others

As you can see its a bit tricky, had thought about putting them all together but dont really hae enough room for them to be 1 big happy family. Anna and Eamon were bonded before Thora (as she is their daughter) and I sometimes think that Eamon and Thora dont get on, he goes for her sometimes (nothing has come of it hes just a bit grumpy I think).

What are your thoughts people?

Thank you in advance!
Couldnt you try bonding squishie to the other 3 so they can live as a group of 4?
Or if its down to housing.. maybe squishie and thora could be bonded and live together but still get to run around with the others if they all get on?
Hmm yeah that could work keep them as 2somes and let the run together.

They cant live all together, dont have enough room for a pen that would be a good enough size for them

I would like to see Squishie and Thora together.

Not sure how I would go about the bonding of all 4 and then separating them, can it be done??