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Yipee Bonding success !


Young Bun
:D :D I am sooooo pleased, after 5 months I finally have Ben and Lucy living happily together !! :D

We got Lucy our rescue bunny back in October, in the hope that she will be good company for Ben. Lucy has been in love :love: with Ben since day one!! he just needed a bit of time to used to having another bunny around :? . But I'm pleased to say they seem loved up (she follows him Ben around like a love sick teenager :lol: :lol: and Ben seems to be loved up when he thinks I'm not looking !! typical male !) :lol: :wink:

Yay :) :)

Typical male, playing hard to get :wink:

All the hard work is worth it now though - it's lovely to see them snuggled up together isn't it. I can't imagine Rob or Molly being without each other now :)
Yay! Congraulations :D Now you get all the fun of watching the cute couple stuff ;)
Thats great news, now you'll wonder how they ever lived alone. There's nowt like a pair of loved up bunnies :love: :love: :love:
Give me your secrets!! Mine lived together for 2 weeks with no probs (but not exactly the snuggliest pair around) and then the fights started and they wouldnt stop!! I tried car-journeys, water sprays, lavender oil, treats, keeping them seperate in the shed but they could still sniff each other - you name it, I tried it!! Even now, they live side by side in the shed with a mesh divider down the middle and have done so since June of last year, but Ralf still has a go at her through the bars - so doubt it will ever work with my 2!! We even tried him with 6 different females ranging from docile to loopy and he rejected every single one, every time!! :? How did you manage it?
Typical fella eh! - Bit slow on the uptake or what :lol: :wink:

Really glad for the happy couple - well done you too - I bet your real pleased for them both gal :) :)