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Britney has finally learnt to jump


Mama Doe
It’s taken nearly 9 months but she’s finally mastered it :love:





Room for three?


Snuggling with Whitney after a stressful evening :lol:


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YES! Well done! I'm as proud of Britney as I am of Chibbs, who learned to eat standing up on her back legs after 4 months :love: If you play the video backwards I reckon you get an impression of what happens to Lopsy when he falls off the windowsill: the bit where she's just getting started is just like his little face when he's made a, uhm, mistake :lol:

What about Whitney?
Clever girl. My lion heads of long ago, Noodle & Myrtle, were never inclined to jump on stuff much. Its interesting how some rabbits like to sit up high to have their vantage point on the world whilst others like to stay low.