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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Tallulah has been rushed to the emergency vets

Thanks everyone, apologies for the delay in responding but I'm working away from home with limited wi fi , just what I need today

So, this morning ex OH went to the emergency vet to collect Tallulah and take her to our vets, I didn't know last night that this would happen so again he's gone the extra for us

I'very spoken to our vet who is competent but not a specialist, she is continuing to treat as last night with anti biotics and feeding but she is concerned about her left eye, it's bulging slightly which could be an indication of abcess or tumour . She's going to take some images and get back to me :-(

Sending vibes Rosemary. So worrying, especially when you're away from home.

I am sure the vet is competent to do the stuff. Some 'non specialists' are really good and intuitive with rabbits I've found :D
Thanks MM, she was certainly thorough when I talked to her this morning, but she did say that if it was an abscess or tumour and depending on its location and size, surgery was probably outside of her scope and we would need to consider specialist attention - which would be very expensive - or ultimately PTS

I'm still waiting for her to get back to me, I'm hoping that she fond nothing or if she did, she's talking to the team at Davies Veterinary Specialists based in Higham Gobion, its not one I was aware of, so I've started a new thread for savvy vets in Bedfordshire
Thanks everyone, apologies for the delay in responding but I'm working away from home with limited wi fi , just what I need today

So, this morning ex OH went to the emergency vet to collect Tallulah and take her to our vets, I didn't know last night that this would happen so again he's gone the extra for us

I'very spoken to our vet who is competent but not a specialist, she is continuing to treat as last night with anti biotics and feeding but she is concerned about her left eye, it's bulging slightly which could be an indication of abcess or tumour . She's going to take some images and get back to me :-(

Sorry to hear that Tallulah is so poorly.
Another possibility for a bulging eye is an Ear Infection.

When Hiro first got poorly he lost his balance and his legs wouldn't support him, his right eye bulged, his left eye started to close and his left ear dropped too. EC was suggested to us too but it was actually an inner ear infection. Do you know what antibiotics she is on?
Thanks for everyone's vibes - they seem to be working. Update on today then.

The vet was going to take x rays and do an ultrasound as she was convinced there was some sort of tumour or abscess with was causing the eye to bulge slightly. She was expecting to see some form of defined mass but there was nothing there just a puffiness around the eye, she even got a colleague from another practice to check. So, next the thoughts moved to teeth, whilst Tallulah was under the GA she looked at her back teeth and found a couple of minor spurs but nothing else, so she filed them down anyway.

She is still a bit sleepy but tolerating syringe feeding well and is sitting comfortably but if they try to move her to a different position, she becomes panicky.

In reality, she needs overnight nursing again but our vets has no overnight cover and the emergency vet costs a fortune, she could come home and go back tomorrow but my daughters are not comfortable with the feeding, so one of the vet nurses is going to take her home for the night and return her to the clinic tomorrow - really good of her.

She is continuing to be treated for EC as last night she did have some head tilt too but that has gone today as well. She's on Baytrill as well as other pain relief and gut stimulant, I've left a message asking about inner ear infections - thanks, Roxyroller88 - and waiting for a reply.

She should have a comfortable night with the nurse and as long as nothing changes for the worse, we'll reassess for referral tomorrow. Thanks for your continuing support here, being away from home is an absolute nightmare
Thanks for everyone's vibes - they seem to be working. Update on today then.

The vet was going to take x rays and do an ultrasound as she was convinced there was some sort of tumour or abscess with was causing the eye to bulge slightly. She was expecting to see some form of defined mass but there was nothing there just a puffiness around the eye, she even got a colleague from another practice to check. So, next the thoughts moved to teeth, whilst Tallulah was under the GA she looked at her back teeth and found a couple of minor spurs but nothing else, so she filed them down anyway.

She is still a bit sleepy but tolerating syringe feeding well and is sitting comfortably but if they try to move her to a different position, she becomes panicky.

In reality, she needs overnight nursing again but our vets has no overnight cover and the emergency vet costs a fortune, she could come home and go back tomorrow but my daughters are not comfortable with the feeding, so one of the vet nurses is going to take her home for the night and return her to the clinic tomorrow - really good of her.

She is continuing to be treated for EC as last night she did have some head tilt too but that has gone today as well. She's on Baytrill as well as other pain relief and gut stimulant, I've left a message asking about inner ear infections - thanks, Roxyroller88 - and waiting for a reply.

She should have a comfortable night with the nurse and as long as nothing changes for the worse, we'll reassess for referral tomorrow. Thanks for your continuing support here, being away from home is an absolute nightmare

Well this is as good as it can be right now. No news has got to be good news, and it's so lovely of the vet nurse to take care of her overnight. That's one worry off your shoulders, and your daughters' too.

I hope you all have a peaceful evening and that tomorrow brings more good news with it.

(((((( hugs ))))))
Thanks for everyone's vibes - they seem to be working. Update on today then.

The vet was going to take x rays and do an ultrasound as she was convinced there was some sort of tumour or abscess with was causing the eye to bulge slightly. She was expecting to see some form of defined mass but there was nothing there just a puffiness around the eye, she even got a colleague from another practice to check. So, next the thoughts moved to teeth, whilst Tallulah was under the GA she looked at her back teeth and found a couple of minor spurs but nothing else, so she filed them down anyway.

She is still a bit sleepy but tolerating syringe feeding well and is sitting comfortably but if they try to move her to a different position, she becomes panicky.

In reality, she needs overnight nursing again but our vets has no overnight cover and the emergency vet costs a fortune, she could come home and go back tomorrow but my daughters are not comfortable with the feeding, so one of the vet nurses is going to take her home for the night and return her to the clinic tomorrow - really good of her.

She is continuing to be treated for EC as last night she did have some head tilt too but that has gone today as well. She's on Baytrill as well as other pain relief and gut stimulant, I've left a message asking about inner ear infections - thanks, Roxyroller88 - and waiting for a reply.

She should have a comfortable night with the nurse and as long as nothing changes for the worse, we'll reassess for referral tomorrow. Thanks for your continuing support here, being away from home is an absolute nightmare

Any time :) It's quite hard to diagnose inner ear infections from just looking in the ears. Baytril isn't effective against anaerobic bacteria so if it is Ear Infection related then a different antibiotic such as Septrin will be needed instead. Xxxxx
Thanks for everyone's vibes - they seem to be working. Update on today then.

The vet was going to take x rays and do an ultrasound as she was convinced there was some sort of tumour or abscess with was causing the eye to bulge slightly. She was expecting to see some form of defined mass but there was nothing there just a puffiness around the eye, she even got a colleague from another practice to check. So, next the thoughts moved to teeth, whilst Tallulah was under the GA she looked at her back teeth and found a couple of minor spurs but nothing else, so she filed them down anyway.

She is still a bit sleepy but tolerating syringe feeding well and is sitting comfortably but if they try to move her to a different position, she becomes panicky.

In reality, she needs overnight nursing again but our vets has no overnight cover and the emergency vet costs a fortune, she could come home and go back tomorrow but my daughters are not comfortable with the feeding, so one of the vet nurses is going to take her home for the night and return her to the clinic tomorrow - really good of her.

She is continuing to be treated for EC as last night she did have some head tilt too but that has gone today as well. She's on Baytrill as well as other pain relief and gut stimulant, I've left a message asking about inner ear infections - thanks, Roxyroller88 - and waiting for a reply.

She should have a comfortable night with the nurse and as long as nothing changes for the worse, we'll reassess for referral tomorrow. Thanks for your continuing support here, being away from home is an absolute nightmare

Bless the vet nurse for going the extra mile to assist you and your family during this difficult time. Sending tons of vibes for Tallulah.
Thanks all, going with the positive, no news is good news, overnight. Checking in with the vet later unless I hear anything in the meantime, she's coming in on her day off to discuss referrals.
Thanks all, going with the positive, no news is good news, overnight. Checking in with the vet later unless I hear anything in the meantime, she's coming in on her day off to discuss referrals.

Thinking of you both.

When do you get back home?
Thanks for the extra thoughts today - MM I'm home tomorrow evening, so I might see if the lovely vet nurse can have her tonight again and I can take over feeding tomorrow, if she still needs it.

Apparently, she had a good night, still not really feeding herself so the nurse is continuing to syringe feed - might her mouth be sore from the spurs being filed yesterday?

She was in a large dog crate over night and did a bit of tentative exploring but is still a bit wobbly, no head tilt but still her eye is protruding more than it should.
Thanks for asking, no further news this morning, although last night she went back to the vet nurses' house to stay.

She was reported as sitting 'like a proper bunny' with her legs all tucked up tidily rather than her back legs splayed to the side, still being syringe fed last evening but secretly eating a bit of dried forage when nobody was looking.

Chat with Vet scheduled today as they contacted all those suggested on the other thread and they didn't have the different imaging equipment required or would refer to Davies who happily say they are not rabbit specialists.

I'm going to push the inner ear infection / Septrin conversation further today
Quick update from the nurse - good overnight, trying to hop forwards rather than shuffle backwards, though still a bit unsteady. Still on all meds and critical care but showing an interest in fresh greens - but most importantly, since lunchtime today, consistent & quality POO !!!!! Go, Tallulah !!