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Pre bonding

Mrs Carr

Warren Scout
We're going to introduce our boys properly this weekend without bars between them! They are both very sweet natured and will groom each other through the bars BUT both are sticklers for what is "their" territory and I have a horrible feeling that everything will go well until one of them goes anywhere near the other ones pen/cage.

I'm sure I read somewhere to let each of them have access to the other ones area while they were "out" so that they get used to the scent of the other on their stuff .... Any opinions? Worth doing? Or just a waste of time?

For the record, Bob is having free time at the moment so have removed the partition and Buddy is currently going nuts claiming everything in Bob's side but it was challenging to say the least to swap them round with one giant pen so if it's not going to be of any benefit I'll go back to the easy way lol
I would always advise bonding in a neutral area, where neither rabbit has been. You need to neutralise the area they have previously occupied before returning them once they are bonded, otherwise territorial problems are likely.
I would always advise bonding in a neutral area, where neither rabbit has been. You need to neutralise the area they have previously occupied before returning them once they are bonded, otherwise territorial problems are likely.

(Appearances can be deceptive and they may seem ok grooming each other through bars.)