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The best bed for a house bun!


Warren Scout
PomPom previously just had the box she came in and some hay for her bed but she never went in there! I'm thinking of maybe getting a dog bed or something? What's the best bed
Mine have never really used any bed, they prefer to curl up on a fleece underneath my bed. The closest I've come was when I had a plastic dog bed under a low table but i think it was just the fact it was covered that they liked!
My buns have never had a bed, they are more than happy to just sleep on a patch of carpet or lino - in fact when ever I've tried to give them something comfier...they just ate it! Bunnies! :roll:
Ludo just likes to sleep on a patch of carpet in the corner.

He has softer things to sleep on but chooses the carpet.
Mine have three dog beds and a wicker cat den and they choose to just lie on the rug.
Maybe just get a nice wee rug for bun
My two have fleeces on each storey of their hutch and a cat bed. The cat bed gets ignored and the fleeces get moved out the way sp they can lay on the bare wood :roll:

They tend to sleep on the carpet, in their hutch or in their litter tray, the only necessity they both seem to have for sleeping is that the other one is as close by as possible :roll: they like to spoon so I assume they don't use their bed because they couldn't fit together in that position on it :lol:
Mine have 2 dog beds and they tend to lie on the floor too, although they do like a nice little hideaway if they can find one.
That pic of them in the dog bed was a while ago, haven't seen them in it for weeks!
My bunny doesnt have a bed and usually just sleeps underneath furniture and behind wardrobes :roll:

Sometimes she likes cold hard stone floor to lie on so it depends on her mood :wave:
All my housebuns have prefered different things.
Toffee [Frenchlop X Giant Pappillion] prefreed a huge plastic dog bed filled with fleece blankets to flop all over.
Fred elderly and somewhat arthritic loved vet bed and a cat soft snooze bed.
Alice just ate hers and I took it away. She liked to knock over the bin and try and sleep in that but she was also one messed up in the head rabbit.
Doodee prefered to sleep on a pinched pile of cushions on my sofa or on the rug in front of the fire.
Teasel would only accept a large pile of hay in a small dog basket.
My two big french loppy girls had a wide choice- and they prefered to try cram themselves into the smallest cat carrier together at night, the rest of the time they can be found flopped on my hard tiled floor.

I guess they can be a bit like cats- no matter what you offer them to snooze in they always want what is not available.
Biffy and Bram have a big dog cushion bed in the living room under a chair that they love, they flop on it so much.
This type of thing: