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Available Rescue: 6 wild x bunnies - Ipswhich


Wise Old Thumper
Posed on behalf of Sky-O

We currently have 6 Wild X bunnies in our RSPCA Centre. They were bonded as a group, but one has had to be removed recently (although the hope is to bond her back, or else move a male in with her and bond them into a pair and a four). http://www.ipswich-rspca.org/Small_Animals.html

Physical Description- Wild X rabbits.
Temperament- Human shy, but interested and a relationship can form. Very bothered by hands or the unexpected.

Age- Ranging between coming up to two years and just over one.

Sex- 4 males, 2 females.

Neuter Status- All spayed/neutered.

Vaccination Status- Fully vaccinated (as far as I know)

Health- No known health problems, although two of the males have two siblings who have spur issues.

Type of home wanted- Anywhere that can take them in their group, let them be who they need to be and keep them safe. Don't expect to turn them into domestic bunnies because they are very clearly detached from humans, although with some work they do trust. They need a great deal of space- the more the better- and also to be fully protected both from themselves and predators (they have a digging need, so will probably need to be on paving).

Location- Ipswich

Reason for rehoming- They are currently in our RSPCA but if they can't find a home for them (and believe me, I'm doing my best to try anywhere and everywhere), they will be put to sleep. These are lovely bunnies and deserve better.

I volunteer with them and really hope we can find them a home because they deserve so much.

If you have any question please feel free to ask me, Sky-O ad I'll do my best to help. I am also able to help with transport if the perfect home was found at a distance.
Oh Sky that must be so hard knowing they may be pts :( If they come up this way I can help with transport for them. Im sure someone on here was looking for a wildie a couple of months ago - cant remember who though
Thanks so much SOAD :) I REALLY appreciate you putting them up.

you're right webbkath, its heartbreaking. They deserve their happy home as much as the next bunny.
It was me looking for the wildie, but I found one (a hand-reared boy for my wild girly).

I have the space, but unfortunately not the time or money for these guys ( :cry: )...but I would really recommend a wildie or cross to anyone considering a 'look but don't touch' type of bunny...they are truely the most magical creatures...more like squirrels than pet rabbits :love: :love:
are they too domesticated to be released into the wild? if they are wild babies could a wildlife place take them in and rehabilitate them? if to domesticated i really relaly hope they find a home.

edit:noted they are crossses so assume that means they dont have the natural instints..... hope they find a home would lvoe them but tom would go spare.... :(
The link doesnt work for me either. I really hope someone will be able to take them, but with them being such a big group and needing so much room i think its going to be hard :cry: Its ashame they cant be split into 2/3 groups? They may be easier to rehome then? I know our pairs take much longer to rehome than our singles.

All the best for these little bunnies xXx
Yes,they are definitely too domesticated to be released into the wild. They are neither domestic nor wild, but equally both domestic and wild.

http://www.ipswich-rspca.org/Small_Animals.html That's the link. You can find them on there but I'm just in the process of uploading some pics I have taken today.

They can potentially be rehomed in smaller groups. Having seen them today, that's probably preferable unless someone has a huge amount of space. I shall post more shortly when I have some pics.
Right here they are.

There are three pairs left from various litters. Nicola and Ester (girlies), Delboy and Rodders, and Oscar and Mowgli (Oscar and Mowgli are the pair who have siblings with spurs). Whilst you can tell the pairs, you can't easily tell who is who within the pairs.

The rabbits are constantly scrapping at the moment, which I didn't realise until today. And what I also didn't realise was that they are all pretty scabby because of that. Not good! I think its due to lack of space for them

This is what they are currently in.

If they go as a group they will need a space at least four times that size (what they are currently in is probably about 6ft by 8ft). If they go in smaller groups/pairs then they still need a large amoutn of space, but not necessarily as much as that.

Here are the cuties.

Ester- Ester is the one who is currently separated. She has problems with being confined. Her wild side seems to be more prevalent than her domestic side and she is very scared. She's very sweet to hold though, which is ironic, and seems to like strokes and cuddles. She has a slightly lighter area on her right hip which Nicola does not have- so they can be told apart.

On the left you have Oscar or Mowgli, and on the right is Nicola. Nicola is very nervous like Ester. Oscar/Mowgli are quite bland and steady rabbits.

Delboy Or Rodders (left) and Mowgli or Oscar (right)- These two seem to be very firm friends and stayed together. They would definitely need to be rehomed together-in whatever capacity that was, even though they were not litter mates.

Delboy OR Rodders- This bunny is the most confident of the group. The next confident one is the other one of that litter (i.e. both Delboy and Rodders are on the more confident and interested side).

Would it be worth contacting somewhere like Tiggywinkles, they may have some contacts or be able to help themselves :wave:
I have no idea who or what Tiggywinkles are but its worth a shot. I'm going to google and follow that one up. Thank you Liz!
They are absolutely stunning. :love: I've got everything crossed that something can be sorted for them.
I've sent Tiggwinkles an e-mail and will call if I don't hear from them. Thanks :D
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Tiggywinkles are being very helpful, but some other people are just plain rude.

Someone just said to me 'releasing them into the wild would be irresponsible then'! I was like Duh. You're kidding me, that's why we've kept them here for so long looking for the perfect home for them and have no intention of releasing them.
