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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Wobbly bunny

I am so sorry, I cant imagine the pain of losing both your previous Lavender and Darwin. I hope that you will quickly find some comfort in remembering the wonderful times you shared and knowing that they had a loving happy home.

sending hugs and wishing peace for Lavender and Darwin

Im so sorry :( how incredibly sad to lose both of your precious bunnies in such a short space of time, truely devastating. Binky free Darwin now reunited with Lavender x
im so so sorry...what an awful time for you:(

they had a wonderful bunnymummy and you had wonderful times with them.

through the tears you will unexpectedly have a good memory...and eventually it will make you smile...honest.

we were once told by a lady outside a vets when back in 2006 we lost our beloved mini lop oscar to gi probs. The lady said it hurst right now and is so raw..why..how...etc.
But she said even horrid things happen for a reason and she told us what she was once told by a lady when she lost her beloved dog.

the passing of a beloved pet no matter how bad or sad or shocking is a result of that pet needing to be in your life or you with them in your life. When another pet needs the love and patience and care that/these pets have had..it is time for these pets to move on now the job is done and for the other pets to come into your life to be loved and cared for too.

i was in tears but even tho weve had horrible experinces and deaths with buns as well as cats..knowing what i know now...it wouldnt have stopped me having those pets.
with our health probs i always say we get the unlucky health riddled or behaviour riddled buns as we can totally relate.
but its torn my heart up so much..especially this year that i now vow to keepo the pets we have now..and in years to come as each one passes...we will not replace..we will take a break to heal ourselves.

but sometimes the only way to heal ourselves is to have another pet come into our lives.

the two buns are together again to binky free.

you need this time to heal your broken heart..but sometimes like i said another pet sometimes is the only heart healer.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure your two gorgeous buns are now in bunny heaven, together and running free. It sounds like you gave them all the love they deserved and you must have a thousand lovely memories of themx
Thank you all for your kind words.

I have decided that thats it for me and bunnies, the four I've had over the last 13 years have each truly broken my heart, and I can't do it anymore. I will never forget how happy they all made me though, and not just me, they were all very well loved by so many of my family, friends and their children. I've had so many people in tears today. :cry:
Oh Bev.... {{{{beeeeeeg hugs}}}}

I can definitely our bunny-madness to you and Steve who have been the best bunny parents! We can completely understand closing the bunny chapter after 13 years... Maybe down the line again if/when the time is right?

Celebrate the wonderful memories you have had with Fern, Charlie, Lavender and Darwin and shower those extra bunny cuddles on the puddy tats!

Thinking of you.
I am really sorry for youR losses. . I lost my babies 2 weeks apart where one died at home too while i was getting ready to see the vet:(
Once my George as passed on i am not getting anymore because it broken my heart to lose Rebecca and Alix so close together x x
Once my George as passed on i am not getting anymore because it broken my heart to lose Rebecca and Alix so close together x x

Thats exactly how I feel, I can't even face looking at a bunny. I went to my local rescue (where Darwin came from) to drop a 10kg bag of food I'd just got, spare litter trays, hay racks, willow toys, litter trays etc etc oh and a carrier bag full of boxes of treats and panacur tubes (I used to buy in bulk!) and she suggested I popped in to meet some residence. I fled instantly, and sat in my car and cried. I've had to take their photos off my phone as it just upsets me too much.

On a more positive note my two cats are my little soldiers they follow me everywhere, and sit on me the second I sit down, it's although they know I'm hurting.

oh hun :cry: i can only say that i have even worse luck with my buns..ive been having buns since about 2002...and i have had so many pass when ive had them for 18months or theyve only been 18 months old. the shortest was my latest rescue addition..dazy-mae...she died after being here for about 3 weeks!!! she had a fever of 42 as well and was always a bit clumsy..shed been panacured at the rescue and both her and her sis were spayed there too. dazy-mae had coccidiosis in her blie duct and liver but it was sudden aggressive resp failure that got her..oedema in her tissues/lungs:cry:

i now have one pair of buns..and poor merlins been kicked out the group so hes on his own..all in our lounge.
i lost me beloved bif in august....she was a badly abused bunny and i adopted her aged 18 motnhs old...she died after id had her about 4 and a half years....and i still look for her:cry:

i cannot imagine losing buns after all those years.

i am glad the cats are a comfort to you.....and i dont blame you for running to your car and crying.

the 1st bun we had here died horribly....and i said no more bunnies..but we had such bad withdrawal symptoms from him we used to get a lift to the pet shop to see the buns there..not to buy but just to be close to.:(

in the end we got oscar 2 months after......i am always saying no more....and each time i get my heart broken cos i give in.

you need to have the time to grieve....as much as losing someone close...ive cried as much for my buns and cats as i did my dad when he passed..its human nature to grieve for our companions/family whether they be pet or human.

maybe contact the bluecross bereavemnt line for pet owners?

maybe when youre feeling a bit stronger...could you go help pluck/groom some of the rescue buns say once a fortnight or something..youd get your rabbit handling fix and help a bunny not get clogged up tummy with fur. just a thought...xxxxxxxxx