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Wish Me Luck!!

Right, we've started.
So far, okay.

There's a lot of thumping. The three babies want to be everyone's friends!

Ghostie keeps lunging at the boys though. Whisper has groomed her :love:
I've disinfected the kennel and they're all in that now!
They're all very happy!
Quickest, easiest bonding ever!
omg really?! thats amazing! :D

be careful they dont begin to squabble because there in the kennel already - not that i need to tell you that, but it sounds amazing! are boys intregrating into the group well?

i cant wait to see!! :D:D:D
Well Ghostie is doing the usual chasing and guess what... Toffee is joining in!!! :shock:
She was going to be like it regardless, she's SO territorial as it's the only place that's she ever been able to feel safe.
Boys are joining in yeah!! The keep binkying and flopping out, they're so happy :love:
Yes I do. There are couples within the group and if some of them fall out, they can get attention from others!