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Willow-My beautiful big boy


Wise Old Thumper
My baby got diagnosed with a bowel abscess in March which was removed.He started to feel poorly again on Monday.After a visit to the vet It was confirmed the abscess was back.I did everything I possibley could to make him better but It just wasn't meant to be.Willow was PTS today.I love you my grumpy baby and my heart is breaking in two.I hope you are pain free now and realise that mummy did this for the best.I love you Willow and always will.Sleep tight my special man xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh Sarah I'm so sorry to read about Willow. Abscesses are just so merciless, I hate them.:( Binky free Willow.
Sleep tight Willow, you were such a gorgeous boy and I know your Mummy loved you very much. xxxx
I am so, so sorry Sarah that you have lost your very special boy Willow - he was one stunning bunny, who had a fantastic life with you. I hope in time your pain will ease & you will be able to smile at the wonderful memories you have of him. Take care & sending you lots of hugs to get through this difficult time, Denise xxxxxxx
He was obviously a very deeply loved bunny. Hope you find some peace now that he is free from pain.
:cry: binky free big boy...now free of pain ....

sarah im so sorry..abscesses are:censored:

you did your best for him and he did his best for you.....take comfort in the fact hes free from pain and is having fun with the RU buns at the bridge..taking ollie with for company xxx