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Will she be okay in there for a couple of days?


Mama Doe
I've separated Kitten from Shadow as he's been chasing her since I bought this rescue boy back. She's shut in the dog crate at the moment.. I don't mind if I have to go through re-bonding them but do you think she'll be okay in there for a couple of days? I don't want to risk Shadow hurting her :( She's only tiny - about 1kg and the dog crate is 42"... not ideal I know but do you think it'll do until Tuesday?
I think she'll be fine, will she still get her own run around time?

No she won't unfortunately - it's not ideal but it's only until tomorrow until I get back from taking Mr Bun [who has just humped my foot :shock: I feel unclean] to Caroline's. She's not taking it too badly, she's only had a couple of strops but she usually just sits under the bed most of the time anyway!
I will clean up and let her out with Shadow tomorrow and see how they fare with each other. I'm almost certain Shadow's behaviour will return to normal once the other boy's smell has gone. Fingers crossed!