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Wild baby rabbit got spooked - advice please


New Kit
There are a number of wild rabbit warrens outside my block. I watch the families all year round, especially now when there are babies.
One baby has been hanging around near it's warren/nest for the past 2 weeks, grazing on grass nearby. Today I saw a cat approaching the baby, so I went outside to keep an eye. As I got outside, the cat ran towards the baby, who got spooked and ran a very long way from it's warren, in fact, it jumped off a wall to a lower level of ground altogether. There are ways to get back onto the level it came from but it would need to have either been there before and know the lay of the land, which I'm not sure it does, or figure it out. It was terribly frightened when it ran off so I don't really think it knows which direction it ran in (away from it's home). I've been keeping an eye out for hours now but I've not seen baby since. I can only hope and pray it finds it's way back home. My question is; how far can a baby (about 2-3 weeks old) go away from it's home and will it remember the way back? Also, is it true that a mother rabbit will not look for her baby? Are there no communication/sounds they make for mum or baby to call to each other? There are other families of rabbits with babies around in patches nearby. Do you think one of them may take in a lonesome baby that may be lost? Any information about wild rabbits in this instance will be very much appreciated, because I am worried sick about this little baby not finding it's way home and being out there all alone. I know it's nature, but it breaks my heart to think about. Every year I rescue baby rabbits from the neighbourhood cats, and others I bury because it's too late. I try very hard to help where I can and I want to learn as much as possible about wild rabbits. Thank you in advance.
UPDATE: I'm relieved and happy to report that baby is safely back with it's family! This means that either mum and baby DO call to each other, or it remembered it's way back. Either way, I'm over the moon to see baby this morning :)
UPDATE: I'm relieved and happy to report that baby is safely back with it's family! This means that either mum and baby DO call to each other, or it remembered it's way back. Either way, I'm over the moon to see baby this morning :)
Hello, I'm sorry no-one responded to you overnight, but really pleased to see your happy update this morning :D
I am glad the bunny baby is reunited with its mom. I have wild bunnies near me, yet dis not know your anxwer.