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Where can I get a giving set


Warren Scout
Hi Everyone..

we may have to give our bun upto 50ml of fluids, but I only have a 20ml syringe, and apparently the 50ml is too hard to push, plus it looks really cumbersome..and I don't want to jab him 3times..

I noticed a lot of setups have the syring with a tube on and a needle on the end, We have the solution, and terumo needles but can't seem to find the tubing anywhere.

I am going to ask the vet tommorrow if they have one, but the last vet we had never had one.

soo, does anyone know where I can buy the tubing?

Actually I think it's called an extension set, like this



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sorry cant help there apart from asking the vet what you need to buy and if theyll sell it or where they suggest.

i had this bookmarked from when our dear old cat had renal faliure...i never did igve ehr subcut fluids but ive saved it because it expains things so well etc and where to get the stuff.

i watched my bunny have fluids via set method today..again....i envy anyone brave and clever enough to do this....

i hope someone else here will be able to help.:wave:
Hi PurpleBumble..


Sorry to hear about your cat:( I lost my kitty last year to the same thing, and she only had one round of fluids but was too far gone to make much difference.

Brave?.. I don't know about that, It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, I'm a wreck, and have to really psych myself up for it for days, and my hand shakes etc wish we totally didn't have to do it.. or lived next door a vet, or knew a nurse would sooo much easier.

I really can't do the shrying and needle method as he fidgets and at least with the tubing he can move (a little) and we can get more fluid in one go so I don't have to jab him more than once in a session.

it's soo confusing because there is a giving set, extension set etc..but I think it's the extension set we need, just a tube that will fit a syringe and a terumo needle, less stress for him, less stress for us.. ~(well...)

he's going back to the vets tommorrow so I will ask them, and get them to show me again with just a syringe for now but I really don't like this method, it's just too cumbersome.


I think one reason they give sub cut fluids as several injections rather than one is to spread it out. Isn't it dangerous or at least uncomfortable to put a large amount of fluids in one place. When Beau had 50mls he had it as 5 injections in different places. So although yes it might seem like your putting them through more pain by jabbing them more times, it's better for them?
Hi Lib, yeah, you are right about the fluids all being in the same spot. obviously I am going to consult the vet first, and I think it would be 25ml max in the morning, then the other in the evening etc. so it would be spaced out and the previous fluids would have enough time to absorb etc.

The vet when i spoke to him last said no more than 60ml a day.

it's just the bun is such a fidget it's practically impossible to keep him still, and there is going to be times when I'm on my own with no one to help me which will make it practically impossible to do.. hard enough with 2 of us.

taking him to the vets really stresses him out and there is as much chance as his tum going into stasis just going the vets every day, every other day etc, also the vets is quite far away and we have to get taxis which cost £25 just to get there:(..

at the vets he sits perfectly still and lets the vet do anything, but at home it's a completely different story...:?

so at the moment this method seems like the most viable option..just difficult to find the extension bit:S.

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sorry you lost your kitty too..kidney failures an awful thing.

yes it does look deicdley dodgy doesnt it:shock::shock:

bertie had a fair old amount of lfuids today and he had about 10 points the fluids went it..or it seemd like it..but then hes a frenchie:oops:

i know ive just found a vet whose out of hours/etc is nearer to me than the £20 each way taxi. its awful when oyu dont have a car to rely on.
is it poss to find a vet practice nearer to you who can share care with your vet so they can get the nurse to admin fluids?

id be a mess too...and even worse im epileptic and suffer blackouts...im not even able to trim buns nails!!!

i hope you can something sorted...:wave: