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when is it too wet to have runs on grass?


Mama Doe
:wave:The clue is in the question really :oops:
My 2 go into their day time run every day which i move around on the grass. A few days recently the grass has has been wet either with rain or heavy dew. I just wondered at what point not to put them out on it? I've noticed them washing their (wet) feet so i wondered if they don't like it much or if thats just a reaction to having wet feet. being rexes, I am ultra careful with feet anyway but grass is good for them in lots of ways.
On really wet days they have a run attached to their hutch which is on paving, but they do prefer the grass (obviously) and it saves the lawn mower aswell :lol:
what do others do?
Hi:wave: I have put Basil into his run this afternoon (because it's not raining:shock: today and fairly mild). The grass is a bit wet still though and he keeps washing his feet. Not sure either, if I'll be able to put him out much longer. Did you have a nice holiday?
Mine are out rain or shine, but the runs are covered over one side. This means they do get wet if they venture over the other side. It really is up to them. They do stay out of the rain generally. I don't mind them getting muddy paws, not going to hurt them.

Although as of 1st of october, i'm going to be either covering the runs totally or keeping them in if there is any heavy weather. I don't mind when the temperatures are higher, but not when it comes winter time. I.e frosts start coming. When it's heavy winter they are in more rather than out.

Hope that helps- just my perspective :) xx
My buns tended not to care about weather, they just wanted their run-time! Eddie used to sit in the rain anyway...:lol:

Can they get back into their hutch on their own? Or do you need to help them?
We used to let mine out and if they didn't like it, they'd go back into their hutches.

I think as long as they haven't got anything on their feet that could get infected because of them getting wet like sore hocks they should be fine going where they want to
The run has a house at one end where they have their litter tray and hay so they can sit in there all day I suppose if they wanted to.
I had already thought I wouldn't put them out in 'proper' winter (I've planed some grass trays to go in their other run for then).
this is all really helpful thanks. i think i want to mollycoddle them a bit too much - they are outdoor buns after all.
Basirascal I had a lovely hol thanks (once I stopped worrying about them:lol:) did you see my photo with the wildie with funny ears - posted it on Monday I think.
JLG - sounds like their set up is fine to me. As long as they have a place to go if it's wet, they shouldn't have a problem with the rain.

i fell really stupid not knowing but why rexes in particular being careful with there feet :oops:? mine go on the wet grass and casper loves dig digging in wet mud and hes a white bun! :lol: but they have access back to there nice dry hutch and run at all times :D