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What would you do about this rabbit?


Young Bun
I was in my local P@H store today as I often go in to check on the animals. They had a lop rabbit there (sorry I'm not very good on rabbit breeds) who looked very thin in comparison to the other rabbits. It was also being mounted (or they were at least attempting to mount) by other rabbits. It was so weak it couldn't get up the ram to the bed area. It sat there and its head was wobbling.

I really don't know ANYTHING about rabbits but from general animal knowledge am I right in thinking everything is not ok with this rabbit?

Can anyone help me? Thanks
its illegal to sell an animal that is (or is suspected of being ) ill, which from your description surgestes that this particular rabbit was. recomend a letter to the head office..a phone call to the rspca...
Huntingdon, their store is pretty bad.
There are rabbits and guineas together, using sawdust and straw, guinea pigs cant reach the hay rack, there was actually no food there yesterday at all. Can i go in and chuck some greens into their enclosure?
Don't chuck greens in, feeding veg to rabbits whose intestines aren't used to it can make them very unwell.

But DO kick up a huge fuss to both the store and the head office. Did the buns have hay? It's no big deal if they don't have other food as long as they had hay there all the time. Obviously if the pigs couldn't reach theirs then that is a problem, and if the buns didn't have any then that is a problem too!

The immediate concern though is a sick rabbit - I'd ring up and tell them, and also ring the Council who licenses pet shops, and the RSPCA if you are really concerned.