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What to do?


Warren Veteran
Well since taking Jimby in almost 2 years ago, he has been on Excel pellets, we decided to change him on to SS, well we tried for 4-5 days and he really does not like it so on a few occasions he left them, we are wanting to change him to Allen and Page, should we mix it in with the Excel and SS or just switch the SS for the AP
Pye hated SS when I first changed him onto it, would proper turn his nose up at them till he realised he wasn't getting nothing else, now he scoffs them down! I would say 4 days or so isn't that long, maybe try to persevere for a bit longer, if yours are anything like mine then change is not good and it takes a while for them to get used to it!
Pye hated SS when I first changed him onto it, would proper turn his nose up at them till he realised he wasn't getting nothing else, now he scoffs them down! I would say 4 days or so isn't that long, maybe try to persevere for a bit longer, if yours are anything like mine then change is not good and it takes a while for them to get used to it!

I agree with this. When we put Mischa on pellets from mix it took several weeks before he caved and tried the pellets. Now he goes crazy for them (and hay and veggies and banana and crunchies and...)
i forgot to take Alvins wagg to the rescue when he went in :oops::oops:

he was swapped to A&P within a week, it was eat the pellets or non :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The thing is we would prefer him to be on the Allen and Page as it has higher fibre content, so we are thinking that as he likes it it would be worth writing the SS off?