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What to do

I was really saddened to read this. Good on you for going over and trying to help. Poor little bunny.

I fear for little bunbun too. What a rotten life he's got :(

You might have to arrange for him to "disappear" one night.

Did I just say that???

The thought did cross my mind but you know what spoilt kids are like when they lose something ey've never liked or needed?

I imagine another bunny would be bought as a replacement.:(
Don't even think about stealing the bunny. It may seem like the right thing to do but you will get into trouble. Just wait a while and then report them to the SSPCA. I am so sorry that the polite approach didn't work.:cry:
Here's a picture I managed to take from my window, the rabbit has still not been seen out of the hutch for more than a minute or so at a time. I really wonder if I should send this photo to the SSPCA, as you can see there's room for the rabbit to be crammed in but not much else.


Can't see any hay in there either.:(
i would pop a note through the door saying..

hi iv moved in recently iv just noticed you too have a rabbit! they are great companions i love mine dearly its always nice to meet other owners who share your passion, i did notice its hutch was fairly small prehaps it could be extended? its fantastic the binkys and funny things they do when they have more space and toys! mine also loves having a companion(but you have to get neutered first(but im sure you would prob be doing this anyway for behavioural and medical reasons they dont live long without the op sadly do they :( )!i would happily reccomend you a rescue to get a freind from?) its a worry how pet shops keep selling these small hutches when rspca now reccomends a 6x2x2ft hutch attatched to a 6x6ft run i thought id best tell you as iv heard of people getting prosecuted for neglect due to hutch size! iv seen your boys playing with bun so i know they must love and care for it, id happily show them my bun and how to get the best from their own in terms of freindliness etc, do let me know if i can be of any help, iv also got some brillinat care sheets that i got given when i first started keeping a bunster... i mean we are all learning i wish i knew al li know now then!!!! if you want them i can drop them round? give me a bell anytime , kind regards... . number ____ telephone 07..........

EDIT: jsut read that you went over.. how about sending a plan with a note saying.. iv been thinking we could easily and cheaply extend the hutch and make a run like this?! or how about freecycle? tscos are doing green tunnels for £3 bet bun would lvoe that! i apprichiate you thought i was poking my nose in not meaning to jsut wanted you to be able to se ethe awsome binkys happy bunnys in space do its quite a feat to see!!! was also thinkign you might like some home made toys i make them for my buns all the time i cant afford the expensive ones.... i can drop some by if you like?

(note you can make toys out of lots of things such as a string threaded with veg=kaboob, a pile of hay and herbs wrapped in brown paper with string=bunny parcels, a toilet roll tube with a bit of paper still on= toss toy, a yellow pages... love to shred and tear, a cardboard box with holes in it.

or how about offering the bun to come over to yours for play time to have a run andd stretch its legs?(depends on how u feel as this bun is likely not vaccinated) x
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Here's a picture I managed to take from my window, the rabbit has still not been seen out of the hutch for more than a minute or so at a time. I really wonder if I should send this photo to the SSPCA, as you can see there's room for the rabbit to be crammed in but not much else.


Can't see any hay in there either.:(

That poor rabbit. What a miserable bloody life. :(

Any progress on getting him out?
That's a small guinea pig hutch isn't it? Wonder which pet shop sold it to them? Report the owners, not sure what else you can do?
That poor rabbit. What a miserable bloody life. :(

Any progress on getting him out?

I am gobsmacked- do these people don't have any common sense

God I really wish I'd do a fundraising where all them rotten people should be locked in one of these hutches for 24 hours and see how they would like it let alone the bunnies.... :censored::censored:

The hutch looks brand new and I may be wrong but it looks like it's from P@H, so really if it was from Pets at Home the staff should've make sure that any new rabbit owners are fully aware of hutch sizes for rabbits....
But again they may have bought it online - who knows

This does break my heart. It makes us realise how lucky our bunnies are.
I would phone the SSPCA and send them the photo - by email?

I think if you go round and tell them they're doing something wrong (ie a small hutch), you'll just get a mouthful of abuse - unfortunately most people don't like being told they're wrong :roll:
If the SSPCA aren't interested then maybe you'll have to try to tell them by showing them your set up etc etc and educating them - or tell them about this forum (deleting this thread first!:lol: ).
I've been in pets@home when they have recommended that hutch for a small rabbit. The owners of the rabbit may just be uneducated, I would just wait and see what happens. Why not get a brochure with rabbit hutches and runs in them and post to the address, so they think it is an incentive to buy a bigger one. (Pets@home do have a lot to answer for,as they don't give enough or proper advice).

Most people do not appreciate being told what to do by someone they don't know. So as a new neighbour you could try to make friends and then you could steer them into the right path.
God I really wish I'd do a fundraising where all them rotten people should be locked in one of these hutches for 24 hours and see how they would like it let alone the bunnies.... :censored::censored:

Yes!!! Wouldn't that be a sight to see? I'll bet they couldn't last 10 minutes yet they expect a rabbit to live in there it's whole life.

My god that poor rabbit being kept in there:cry::cry: I wouldn't keep a mouse in that. I really feel for you being stuck in this position trying to sort out what to do for the best. I would definitely contact your nearest animal organisation. Good luck
That's shocking! :evil: My rat cage looks bigger than that and he gets to come out to stretch his legs for a few hours every evening as can't bear to keep him cooped up on his own (his brother died and as he's approaching 3 I don't want to upset him by getting another).

Hope they end up listening to you. Never know, maybe they will get bored of cleaning it out soon and ask you for help with rehoming as you have made yourself known to them.

Must be absolute torture for you having to look at that every day not to mention how the poor bun feels. I would definitely contact the SSPCA for help, maybe ask for advice first before making an official complaint, this may go down better with them as it will show you want what's best for the bun not just wanting to get the owners in to trouble.

Good luck and let us know what happens.
Hi again all,
I'm, glad everyone shares my opinion that this is bad enough to be reported. The thing that gets me is with the garden not being rabbit proofed at all what on earth would they do if bunny made a bolt for it when they're cleaning the hutch?:shock: Good God there's been times when I've been forced to put Roly and Honey down in a hurry if they've struggled.

I'll ring the SSPCA on Monday morning but I might send an email just now and ask for advice on the off chan ce someone can reply over the weekend.

What is most worrying me is that my mum knows a lady that lives across the street to this family and she says the kids are horrible and run riot through everyone's gardens in the summer. I've still not brought Roly and Honey here to live with me yet as my garden is also not rabbit proofed.
I'm really worried that if the SSPCA do something and they then see me getting rabbits in they'll know it was me. I guess they'd probably guess anyway given I've basically told them that I think they're keeping their pet badly.

I'm not sure if I want to risk bringing Roly and Honey here if the SSPCA do act. The kids are old enough to carry a grudge (there are actually more kids living there than I thought). I'd hate for anything to happen to my own rabbits. :(

Mum and dad say I can leave the bunnies with them for now but if anything happens with this family I don't think I'd feel safe bringing them to live with me this year.:cry:
I don't really think so. I live in a first floor flat.:(

Its such a hard one. If you phone SSPCA and they dont do anything it means the bun is in the same position yet you may get trouble from the neighbours :?
On the other hand if you dont contact them you:ll never know if it may have helped. I was in a similar situation but unfortunately the inspector dealing with mycomplaint decided that the hutch was perfectly fine and i ended up being told not to phone them again :?
Saying that each inspector is different so maybe you will get one that actually cares for rabbits!
Hope something gets done to help that poor little bunny :cry: That hutch and the life he's being forced to live is bloody awful :cry: