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What should I use to neutralise the carpet to put newly bonded bunnies back?

Bunny Buddy

Wise Old Thumper
I'm planning the reorganisation of their home in preparation for the bonding but I need to buy all the equipment in before I start the bonding.

I shall have to do the neutralising whilst they are in the bonding pen in the adjoining room (in earshot!), assuming it's going well at this stage. I've got the white vinegar for the metalwork but what works best for carpets?

Many thanks.
Dilute white vinegar as well! :D:wave: (It is non-staining and a good carpet cleaner/neutraliser. When my buns were litter training it worked a treat - even removed some very old plasticine the landlord's kids had trodden into the carpet years before we moved in!)
Sprinking Bicarbonate of Soda on the carpet and then vacuuming up worked really well for us. You use it like shake n vac. One tip though use gardners gloves on the vacuum as it tends to cause little electric shocks while you are vacuuming it up - or at least it did with our vacuum anyway.