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what do you think about this hutch

Looks good to me, presumably your going to attach a run to it? So you might want to think about how they'll fit together.

With four though I'd be tempted to skip a hutch and go for a shed. A 6x4 wouldn't give you much extra floor area but on one level so they can hop more plus yyou have space for shelves.
I agree with Tamsin. I don't like hutches as permanent housing for rabbits.
Especially with 4 you'd be much better off finding yourself a shed :)
To add: I have a 5ft hutch for my Fosters and I think it's the same company. They are such poor quality and SO flimsy. Shed all the way ;) (Plus they're cheaper ;))
Agree totally, a shed would be better and cheaper. That hutch is mostly plywood which won't last very long unless it's very well looked after.

I'd go for a Ryedale or similar rather than that - it might be false economy otherwise.
Looks good to me, presumably your going to attach a run to it? So you might want to think about how they'll fit together.

With four though I'd be tempted to skip a hutch and go for a shed. A 6x4 wouldn't give you much extra floor area but on one level so they can hop more plus yyou have space for shelves.

I agree, I put 4 of mine in a 6x2x2 hutch with a 6x4 run and I took them straight out of it because they were too cramped up.