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What do you line your cages with?


Young Bun
Hey guys, just trying to find out what you all use at the bottom of your cages / dog crates for indoor rabbits.

Ive tried woodflake but im not keen on it, Ive put some fleecy "pet bed" type things down which i got from a pound shop but they tend to just bundle them up and also one of mine isnt quite litter trained yet.

I was thinking of trying something we sell at work called Tumble Fresh which looks quite good.

But yeh what do you guys use at the bottom of your indoor rabbit enclosures. I may just go back to towel / fleece type things.
Blankets, vet bed and bath mats, although my buns are litter trained. I wouldnt use shavings because of the potential health risks. If they arent quite trained yet could you line it with newspaper? Or if you have quite a deep base something like smartbedz or yesterday's news litter would be good, as its heavy so less likely to get everywhere, plus they're both really absorbant.
I have a dog crate and have stuck self adhesive floor tiles on the bottom, think they were about £5 in Wickes. Then I put a dog fleece down as the tiles are slippery, mine bunched it up and dug in the flease first of all but now he's used to it! Easy to wash if there not quite litter trained and I use the cage wipes for any accidents on the tiles! Then use carefresh in the litter trays as found it doesn't go everywhere!
I have a dog crate and have stuck self adhesive floor tiles on the bottom, think they were about £5 in Wickes. Then I put a dog fleece down as the tiles are slippery, mine bunched it up and dug in the flease first of all but now he's used to it! Easy to wash if there not quite litter trained and I use the cage wipes for any accidents on the tiles! Then use carefresh in the litter trays as found it doesn't go everywhere!

Think ill stick with some fleece then but might get some thicker ones than i bought before!
I use blankets (that i cut to size) and fold them under the crate flooring to keep them in place I use bath mats too.

Esther x
Thick layer of hay. I wouldn't bother with blanket with my pair as they would most likely poo and wee on it.

My boy loves to lay on the hay and is clean. Does mean I do a lot of cleaning.
Ours have lino in their crate as we are hoping it will reduce V's snuffles.

They also have a towel on their shelf but tend to just runch it up and not use it