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Wesley - update and photo post 72

Sending comfort vibes for Wesley, and a hug for you xxx

I just sat with tears rolling down my face yesterday evening as he was sat in the middle of the lounge and I could see he is starting to give up. He is the very last Special boy and my last link to my gorgeous Elwood :cry::cry:
I just sat with tears rolling down my face yesterday evening as he was sat in the middle of the lounge and I could see he is starting to give up. He is the very last Special boy and my last link to my gorgeous Elwood :cry::cry:

I remember phoning you about those baby buns when you were bonding Wesley who wasn't playing nice with the other buns... I have a major soft spot for him ... I am so sorry Liz I don't know what to say :cry:
Unfortunately Wesley started to deteriorate rapidly yesterday, we are doing our best to make him as comfortable as possible but his eyes look tired. I think he has had enough :(:(

If we can make sure he is Ok until Fridays appointment we will discuss options then, if not he will go in sooner :cry:

So sorry Liz
I'm so sorry Liz, things sounded so promising earlier in the week too. :( I know you will make the right decision for Wesley, whatever that may be. Huge hugs. xxx
I remember phoning you about those baby buns when you were bonding Wesley who wasn't playing nice with the other buns... I have a major soft spot for him ... I am so sorry Liz I don't know what to say :cry:

Ooh I remember that too. Can't remember the bunnies but remember the call.

Its probably a good job that bond didn;t work out in the end. But he is now happily bonded to Valerie :love:
Wesley has had another session this morning. The vet was actually pleased that he made good progress the first few days and said it is normal for them to "crash" after a few days. So we will keep going and see what happens. I am just a little concerned about how much weight he is loosing while he is not eating properly :?
Wesley has stayed really bright since his last acupuncture on Friday so he is off for another session today :) We may have to re mortgage the house :lol: but if it works we will continue for as long as needed :D

Bit worried about taking him out in the cold though as it is minus 5 at the moment and he has been in a room with 24 hour heating since saturday as the cold was affecting him so badly :?
It'll be amazing if the acupuncture works :D

Hope todays session goes well for him.

Does he have to sit still for long, or is it quite a quick session?
Yay really pleased for Wesley I have my last session today until next year, not sure how I am going to cope as you really do lose the good feelings after a few days!
It'll be amazing if the acupuncture works :D

Hope todays session goes well for him.

Does he have to sit still for long, or is it quite a quick session?

Its 20 to 30 minutes. Apparently he sits there good as gold, even the receptionist went for a look and told me how good he was being :love: Its strange cause normally he is a right wiggler.

Its costing £70 ago but he is so worth it :D
Had to update this :D:D

wesley is the best I have seen him for a couple of months, its nothing short of a miracle :):)

I know the accupuncture wont fix him but it is giving him precious extra time. If he hadn't had these sessions he would have been pts by now for certain.