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well they are back together


Warren Scout
In my earlier tread my two boys fell out.

i have kept the wire partition up in the cattery for nearly a week and decided to try and put them back together, i put them in the bath to try and re bond them, all seemed ok, the phone rang so i took one out and put him on the floor left other bunny in the bath, when i came back they were chasing each other around the bathroom. so back to square one.
now they won't eat, they have been really sad looking not moving around and not eating, small amount of poo but not much wee.
day 2 still not eating but one did nibble some greens.
day 3 still not eating, they are not grinding teeth nor are they hunched up, so they don't have tummy pain. i think they are just really upset with the fight and being separated.
day 4 i decided if they don't go back together this time they will be separated completely.
so i know everyone don't like putting them in the car but i am now desparate, because if they don't eat and drink soon it will be the vets.
so into the car they went, came back home when all the foot stomping had stopped and put them into the down stairs toilet, they have never been in here so completely new to them. no fighting and they both eat some greens. so i put them back into their cattery and this morning they are cuddled up together and nearly all the food gone. :D i am so pleased that they are now best mates again, they also drank loads, they have just finished up the carrot tops and eat their treats. i am so happy to see them happy again.
cheers tonibun, i will not be letting them run around the garden for awhile. just popped in to see how they are and they are cuddled up together and most of the greens are gone. so i am just pleased that they are now eating and drinking. there poo is very small and dark, not lovely big and light brown, but that will come back when they get lots of hay into themselves again. they sure make you worry.