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Wee Fudge ~ 6/10/14 ~


Wise Old Thumper

I remember as if it was yesterday Mike and I driving down to Glasgow to go to collect you off one of the Fairly Beloved Rabbit Care fosterers , we came home with you and your Brother Pepsi and now I

can't believe I am here putting this in Rainbow Bridge I thought we would be filling your Christmas Stocking again this year with treats for you but that all changed on Monday when you decided
to leave us .

Oh Fudge what can I say about you apart from you being a popular little bunny with our customers and a funny bunny who would constantly sit under your fleece instead of on it, even on the humid Summer days you
would be snuggled up under your fleece. You always had a look about you as if you were really annoyed but of course you were just a gentle wee bun.

We were in the process of bonding you with little Lily you were ideal for one another both tiny nethies, both with a tale to tell and you both liked each other very much :(

We are going to miss you little one so much, love you to the moon and back, binky free wee Fudge forever with your Brother Pepsi :cry::cry:

'Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart' :(
Aww, that's a real shame :( Binky free little man! I've a lot of love for grey Nethies and he's adorable: I agree wholeheartedly with your closing statement.
so sorry about fudge, he was the one that reminded me a lot of my old nethie rosie, they looked very alike, sleepwell :cry: xxx