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Bunny Boo.

Warren Scout
May got out of her hutch last night!!! How she got the door open i have no idea:shock: (this will be dealt with today) But my question to you all is she sat on the edge of my koi pond all night eating the watercress that grows madly in there, I only looked at it yesterday thinking it needed to be cut back as it was taking over. Well there is no need now as she is very happy with herself that she has assisted mum one of her chores!:roll: But she has eaten a huge amount, Is this going to cause problems? She is use to eating watercress as i do give her some through out the week (shop bought) My other concern is that we treated the pond in the spring/early summer as the koi were flicking, not sure what it was we treated it with but is there any chance that the watercress would absorb it and she has now eaten it!!! The worry my bunnies put me through:roll: Her little face first thing this morning when i walked out to feed them will remain with me always, she was sitting up on the pond which is at least two foot off the ground, by a least 1.5 meters deep, very happy with herself, came running over to see what delights i had to give her:shock:
My advice would be to ring your vet and see what they suggest. Personally I'd be worried if you'd treated the pond as you've said however if she seems okay she probably is x
Thanks for your reply, May has been full of it today, certainly no signs of ill health!! I will keep an eye on her and also speak to my very Rabbit savvy vet tomorrow on our (weekly as it seems) chats.