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water bottles frozen


Warren Scout
went to ckeck the buns this morn and sort them out and all thier water bottles are frozen :cry: any ideas how i can stop this from happenin im goin to the shop today to get some more so i can swop them over when they do but wud love some advice as this is my 1st winter with outdoor buns im worried about them now :cry:
I'm having the same problem. I'm hopefully going to invest in a couple of bottle snugs to hopefully stop it happening again.
Helen xx
My buns are in the shed and all of their bottles were frozen solid this morning. When I refilled them they were so thirsty - poor things. Going to get a couple of snugs for them today. I remember last year someone was using socks on them and I think that worked.
We have a snug that P@H gave us for free. They look pretty good (apparently made with NASA technology :shock:)

We don't use ours as Biscuit accidentally turned into a housebun when I refused to let her go outside :oops:
Just a word of advice - the snug will slow down the freezing process in the bottle but it doesn't stop the metal spout from freezing. So if you check your bottles and they're still OK, just remember to check that the ball is free-moving in the spout and that there's water flowing from it. I'm changing my bunnies bowls twice a day at the moment (last thing at night and first thing in the morning when they're solid again) and am filling them with lukewarm water to slow the freezing down a little bit.
Ive been in hospital and faye on here is looking after my buns for me. They come home monday afternoon :D

Ive been round local pet shops and the bottle snugs are sold out :shock: Too late to order online now as not gaurenteed delivery before xmas :roll:

The sock idea is good, is that with a layer of socks?

mackers, thanks for tip on the spout freezing over also.
I'm having the same problem :( Sometimes through the day they're getting icey and the metal spouts are freezing over again. I've unfrozen about 4 today.. Also went to p@h today but they had none left. I'm going to be putting some old socks over the bottle part, but as for the spout i'll just have to keep checking as much as i can.
i will get some bubble wrap from paper shop tommorow have put socks on for now and have gone out to check they ok at the mo but the blankets that i cover them with at nite the bits that are on the floor have frozen solid to the floor :shock::shock::roll: my drain was blocked and leaked all over the patio so i have now unblocked it and poured boilin water on the blankets to get them off the floor :lol::lol:
same theory as the sock on the bottle, I use a couple of dusters and also can bend these around the spout of the bottle,

I think checking them often will also help and not filling them up to the top as ice expands and would therefore break the plastic bottle.
I only have one bottle drinker, I put bubble wrap and then an old sock on top, but as someone said you have to check the metal bit and ball.
The bowls were also frozen solid this morning, so I've got stood them on cardboard and cut down small cardboard boxes to pop them in.
I do know that Bobtails rescue near me changes from bottles to bowls in the winter as they had the same problem with the spouts (they have snugs). Even if the water gets really cold in the bowl and a thin layer of ice forms, it doesn't freeze solidly in our usual sort of English snowy temperatures :) the lukewarm water sounds good as well as checking water several times a day.
same theory as the sock on the bottle, I use a couple of dusters and also can bend these around the spout of the bottle,

I think checking them often will also help and not filling them up to the top as ice expands and would therefore break the plastic bottle.

I find if you dont fill them to the top you dont get the vacum and they leak?

I use glass bottles, do you think these are at risk from breaking?
Even with snugs on all their bottles my outside buns are having to have the bottles changed twice daily cos they keep freezing over. I think i'm going to put socks on under the snugs and see if that helps any, luckily I'm off from Uni over Christmas so I can refill bottles when I need to :)
A tiny bit of salt in the water worked for me last year. I assume that's ok for them as they have salt licks?? Certainly didn't cause any problems for my two last year.
dont waste your money on snugs as they only help to prevent the water in bottle from freezing,the water in the metal spout will freeze first. just keep putting fresh bowls of water in.
I used 2 socks and put them on oppisite ways round, then snipped a hole in toe part so it covers the spout and thats worked really well. The bowls froze over but the bottle didnt :)