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Vitakraft- Nature Hearts


Warren Veteran
Has anyone tried their buns on these? We have been given them and I wanted to check they would be ok.
I got some free too, only Zero seemed to like them :lol: they are just sunflower seeds I think, will make their coats lovely and shiny :D
i got some other things sent free but they were awful. bisc and matt wouldn't eat them, and ches looked like he was struggling to eat it, like it was sticking to his teeth... can't remember what they were... :?

the nice ones were easy to break though... the nasty chewy things weren't and were quite solid.. if that helps!! :lol:
:lol: Just gave a bit to Jims and his little face!! :lol: I dont think he liked it!

:lol: it makes me laugh when they pull that face... but then they have to go and check again to make sure it was as bad as they thought!! bisc does this, and shudders aswell! honestly, i've never seen such a reaction as when i gave him some mint to try! :roll::lol:
:lol: it makes me laugh when they pull that face... but then they have to go and check again to make sure it was as bad as they thought!! bisc does this, and shudders aswell! honestly, i've never seen such a reaction as when i gave him some mint to try! :roll::lol:

:lol: :lol: They are funny arnt they!! Jimby LOVES mint!! He did the 'You must be insane if you think I am going to eat that' look when I tried to give him pineapple!! :lol:
i got some other things sent free but they were awful. bisc and matt wouldn't eat them, and ches looked like he was struggling to eat it, like it was sticking to his teeth... can't remember what they were... :?

the nice ones were easy to break though... the nasty chewy things weren't and were quite solid.. if that helps!! :lol:

The apple snack ones? that are reeally dark? I just think my rabbits only like things they know have cost money :lol: