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vibes for Peanut Butter, U/D Post 32 not good :(

been talking to my mum tonight, been quite upsetting, actually very upsetting as she has said while she will do everything she physically can for peanut, she is working 9am until 6pm, with housework, cooking etc and everything else in between and she said she doesnt know if she can care for Peanut if he needs extensive or intensive treatment.

She wants to, and she will try but she said if it involves seeing the special every week, or several times a week she cant do it, (50 mins away, consult, 50 mins back). Even on a shorterm basis.

I dont know what this means, or what we are going to do. i feel like the worst bunny mum in the world.
If, and it is IF, he needs lots of treatment and returning frequent visits etc how can i say to my mum 'you HAVE to do this' she is so stressed and tired all the time she is working so much because my dad has barely any work.

Peanut is insured so money isnt a problem. But how can i tell my mum she must do this, if i know she physically cant. whats the alternative?

what is? i dont know. feel utterly deflated and useless right now. Feel heartbroken.

We wont have to make this decision tomorrow they are just going to look at him but we could cross the bridge in days,weeks etc.

feels so rubbish

been talking to my mum tonight, been quite upsetting, actually very upsetting as she has said while she will do everything she physically can for peanut, she is working 9am until 6pm, with housework, cooking etc and everything else in between and she said she doesnt know if she can care for Peanut if he needs extensive or intensive treatment.

She wants to, and she will try but she said if it involves seeing the special every week, or several times a week she cant do it, (50 mins away, consult, 50 mins back). Even on a shorterm basis.

I dont know what this means, or what we are going to do. i feel like the worst bunny mum in the world.
If, and it is IF, he needs lots of treatment and returning frequent visits etc how can i say to my mum 'you HAVE to do this' she is so stressed and tired all the time she is working so much because my dad has barely any work.

Peanut is insured so money isnt a problem. But how can i tell my mum she must do this, if i know she physically cant. whats the alternative?

what is? i dont know. feel utterly deflated and useless right now. Feel heartbroken.

We wont have to make this decision tomorrow they are just going to look at him but we could cross the bridge in days,weeks etc.

feels so rubbish


would you (if it was short term) be able to foster him out to someone who had easier access to a good vet and you set up an a/c with him at the vets?

Just a thought...
would you (if it was short term) be able to foster him out to someone who had easier access to a good vet and you set up an a/c with him at the vets?

Just a thought...

yeh, but who would do that? :(

i would hate myself for imposing my pets onto someone else. it should be me doing it :( why couldnt any of this happen in the past three years?! why happen as soon as i go to uni.

my advice is to try and i mean try to stay calm......for yourself but also for peanut.

When you see the specialist vet tomorrow try and explain your situation and then they maybe able to sort out a set up like you going to your local vet and the local vet keeping in contact with the specialist vet..ive heard of similar things being sorted elsewhere round the country so why not ask.

worth a shot;)
good luck at the vets hun, dont panic until you hear what they say about his future treatment xxx
If your mum needs any help with him I could try to help if possible :) Good luck at the vets today hun xx
If I had room I'd offer to Foster Peanut for you and get him treated by Christabel. But at the moment I have no space at all :cry:

Sending massive vibes for him today

hes been seen...

I always feel all negative and expect the worst but yet when they say it i feel so shocked.

She was brilliant, spend around 15 minutes examining his leg, and confirmed he has a very slippy tendon on the infected hock. The other leg isnt as slippy but it does still slip.

He has been admitted today, and is being put under GA for more X RAYS, a sample of the infection is being sent off to a lab, and they are going to do something where they put dye somewhere to tell if its gone into the bone.

If its gone into the bone there is very little she can do for him. she said its a 2/3 chance he would have to be put to sleep but the third of a chance is amputation which she will not do due to his slipping tendons, she said its not fair on him and would cause alot of pain. so if its gone into the bone then thats it :(

if its not in the bone, they are going to try and analyse the puss thats been sent off to see 'what exactly it is' and to see if any other antibiotic could treat it. she said even with this, which is the 'best case' some antibiotics kill of the good gut flora or something and can be bad for them, so even if its not in the bone he doesnt have a big chance.

So basically, even if the best happens today, hes not out of the woods by any means.

Feel so deflated. I spotted it SO SO early. And i could still lose him. Jelly is there with him so hes not alone. hes got his favorite vet bed and a willow ring, and theyve given him some timmy hay.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes, and offers etc. it feels strange to pray for good news, when actually what i am praying for is, the 'best bad news'

:cry: :(

thanks deelove and fudge, its going to be a long day.

Were putting everything on a little chance. But, i am thanking my lucky stars peanut is insured. he is my only bun that is insured because despite numerous vet visits when i got him i KNEW something wasnt 'right'. and last June i insured him.

Just a gut feeling i had, i cant explain it. he walked funny, and the vet said he was fine but i just didnt believe him. Now i know he has slipping tendons.

Before today we worked out everything had cost £280 (insurance paid out), then friday £65, and yesterday £55. Today *gulp* is costing £480. :shock:

This is for the GA, Xrays, abcess 'flushing/cleaning', and sending results of the to the lab etc.

but whatever they do next is still more pennies. to to date this abcess has cost PetPlan over £800. An ammount i could not have found in this current time.

I know its not all about money but i am so happy thats not something i have to worry about.
I am so sorry that the news is not good :cry:
Sadly with this condition the outlook is seldom very rosey :cry:

Your Vets are obviously doing their very best for Peanut and I hope that they can buy him more pain free time

I am so sorry that the news is not good :cry:
Sadly with this condition the outlook is seldom very rosey :cry:

Your Vets are obviously doing their very best for Peanut and I hope that they can buy him more pain free time

there doing everything, and..in a way if the worst does happen, i can somehow get some comfort in the fact i noticed so quickly, when it was tiny, so i will know there is no 'what ifs'. She said i literally couldnt have done what i did better or sooner.

not a nice silver lining to this horrible cloud but i know i wont blame myself.

I love him so much, hes my special boy. I love them all tremendously but peanut has always been my 'soul bunny'. It will break my heart to lose him.

and what i have to realise is, even if we get him home today it doesnt mean hes going to be okay.
Sorry you didn't get better news this morning :cry: poor Peanut

Hope you get some better news later.

Massive hug for you x