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Vibes for Billy please...UPDATED 18/7/07

Oh, poor little sweetie!!!:cry: :cry:

I have never seen nor heard of this happening with a bun before. But about 20 years ago I had a gorgeous Dalmatian named Mia, and it happened to her. She was fine, I let her outside one morning for a run around.......and when she came back to the door to be let in, I noticed instantly that something was VERY wrong! It absolutely terrified me, as it seemed like a good deal of what was supposed to be INSIDE was suddenly OUTSIDE......and it had happened within minutes! I rang my vet and told him I was on my way, then bundled her into the car and raced off. When we arrived, he said that not only did she had a prolapsed vagina, but also a prolapsed uterus. She was only about 6 months old, and he did an emergency spay on her then and there. It was very scarey, but thankfully she made a full recovery and went on to live a long and happy life!:D :D

Sending LOADS of 'Get Well Soon' vibes to little Billy!!!!!
Oh, poor little sweetie!!!:cry: :cry:

I have never seen nor heard of this happening with a bun before. But about 20 years ago I had a gorgeous Dalmatian named Mia, and it happened to her. She was fine, I let her outside one morning for a run around.......and when she came back to the door to be let in, I noticed instantly that something was VERY wrong! It absolutely terrified me, as it seemed like a good deal of what was supposed to be INSIDE was suddenly OUTSIDE......and it had happened within minutes! I rang my vet and told him I was on my way, then bundled her into the car and raced off. When we arrived, he said that not only did she had a prolapsed vagina, but also a prolapsed uterus. She was only about 6 months old, and he did an emergency spay on her then and there. It was very scarey, but thankfully she made a full recovery and went on to live a long and happy life!:D :D

Sending LOADS of 'Get Well Soon' vibes to little Billy!!!!!

Thanks for your reply and experiences. It sounds very similar to Billy. She was absolutely fine the Monday morning. Monday afternoon, I went to clip her claws, picked her up, turned her upside down and I was absolutely horrifed! I've never seen anything like it in my life before.
I just put her straight into a carry box and phoned the vets.

She's constantly lying on her side so far, with her back legs outstretched....occasionally getting up so Tina can clean her face etc.

I've put her back with Tina, as Billy was refusing to eat anything and seemed so sad. The two sisters have never been apart, so I thought it was worth a try putting them back together today.
Tina too was pining so much for her sister :( It was so sad to see them apart :(

Tina has been a little angel to Billy. She's been cleaning her face/ears and just being a little sweetheart....it melts my heart to see :love:

Billy has since had a nibble of broccoli, greens, hay...and shown some interest in pellets (maybe has even nibbled too, but I haven't personally witnessed that).
She has also now pooped and wee'd a few times, so that's an excellent sign.

My main concern at the moment, is the fact she seems to want to lay down so much....which is understandable, and I don't mind that.....but when she does, she keeps clenching the claws on her back feet, and also flinching her lower stomach area, which seems to say to me that is she in discomfort.
I know she was given pain relief on the day of the op, but I strongly feel she should be having it on a daily basis.
We're back at the vets tomorrow at 9.15am for a post op check, so I am going to request this.

She still really needs your vibes. She's such a tiny little bunny, who has undergone such a big operation. To think, and see what her underside is like makes me queezy....but I'm improving the more I see when checking her. I'm no longer close to passing out....ish! :? :oops:

Please keep sending your vibes to my brave, beautiful, gorgeous, tiny little girl :love: :love: :love:
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Oh, interesting too March Hare....just to add to your experiences, I've been trying to rack my brain of any changes in appearance/behaviour that might have been a sign that this was going to happen. There's only one thing that has come back to me, and that was 2 days before it happened, I did notice Billy was wee'ing in very random places. She normally does it all in her litter tray. At the time I didn't think anything of it, except that maybe she was being territorial/scent marking etc (I had put new litter trays in that week, so perhaps that threw her litter training). Tina seemed unaffected.
I'm now starting to wonder if this was a sign of incontinance? I'm going to run this by the vet tomorrow.

I'm still so baffled by it all!:?
Veronica, and am SO happy to hear that little Billy is doing so well!!!!!:D I get SO stressed when one of my buns is unwell that I must be a NIGHTMARE to live with!!!:oops: :oops:

With my Dalmatian, the Vet said that when he did the emergency spey, he discovered that she was just starting to come into season for the very first time.....and that she must have had an underlying weakness there, and the onset of her season triggered it off.:cry: :cry:

HUGE vibes still being sent out to little Billy......and big hugs to you. XXXXX

(((((((GET WELL BILLY VIBES)))))))
Poor Billy :(
My nan had this, so I've heard of it in humans but never rabbits.
Hope she's feeling better today, and hope the vet has given her some more pain meds