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Vhd concern

You know that last winter I took in a bunny and he died the next day. The pathology report left some areas open to debate as to the reason and the histopathology report came back as VHD.

With 20 other bunnies here at the time, 2 of whom were unvaccinated, we STILL didn't have a problem.
Thankyou both of you for being so kind :)
I think I am driving my husband to the end of his tether, :( His Nan has sent us a letter and she lives in Havant and I heard a week or so ago that there was a reported case of VHD in Havant so I paniced about the letter, read it and then told my husband that he is to read it before he has a bath and put it straight in to the bin, he is in a right mood now!! :(

Why not, with your husband there to support you, have him read the letter, then both of you take it to the buns. Dont change your clothes first, dont clean anything. Let them sniff it, chew it, anything. I know it will be hard on you, but I think tomorrow when you wake up and find that the buns are still alive, it may help.
Why not, with your husband there to support you, have him read the letter, then both of you take it to the buns. Dont change your clothes first, dont clean anything. Let them sniff it, chew it, anything. I know it will be hard on you, but I think tomorrow when you wake up and find that the buns are still alive, it may help.

Only just read your post, just before which I had a melt down, when he read the letter he brushed it against the clean duvet cover and I could not relax about it so put the duvet cover in for a quick wash, the letter was first on the floor which the actual duvet touched so I wanted to make sure that he did not put the duvet on to the bed... I came in the rooma nd found that he had done just that, I burst in to tears and then had to wash the whole bed set, he is in such a foul mood with me but I can not help this! :cry: If I could just 'get better' I would, no one should have to live like this, it is horrible!! :cry:
Oh bless you :love: I think we all have our funny ways that gets us through the day and things we cant control.For me I eat too much,someone else may drink too much,or smoke to much or anything,we are all different.I am funny when I go on holiday and I wont use a knife and fork that is in the property we are renting as I in my funny way think that in the rush for the previous people to leave then they may have licked them or spat on them and shoved them in the draw and I dont like showers in travel lodge/holiday inn as there was once a murder in the shower on the news :oops:But everything else I am fine with,so I think I am strange or different
Do you think your anxiety is worse as baby is due soon?Do you think baby will improve the way you feel or not?
Babies/young children need to be able to be exposed to germs to help their body fight things,I am not sure if that is the right wording but it is ok for baby to be exposed to every day germs etc
Oh I FORGET i dont like people in restaurants/pubs who have a nasty throaty cough either :oops:
Only just read your post, just before which I had a melt down, when he read the letter he brushed it against the clean duvet cover and I could not relax about it so put the duvet cover in for a quick wash, the letter was first on the floor which the actual duvet touched so I wanted to make sure that he did not put the duvet on to the bed... I came in the rooma nd found that he had done just that, I burst in to tears and then had to wash the whole bed set, he is in such a foul mood with me but I can not help this! :cry: If I could just 'get better' I would, no one should have to live like this, it is horrible!! :cry:

I think he is probably just frustrated that he cant help you, and he probably feels like he cant do anything right at the moment. Why not have a chat with him and let him know that its not his fault, he didnt know, and that you're not upset/angry with him, just scared for the buns.

For what its worth, I honestly dont believe OCD is something you can 'cure' from as I dont think its an illness. I think everyone has varying degrees of obsession, just some people more than others, noone notices until it starts affecting your day-to-day life. I think that the key to beating it is to learn not to listen to those doubts. Because the more you indulge them and do what they say, the more they occur. I dont think theres a 'cure' for it, I just think its learning to not let it take a hold and take over your life. I know, a lot easier said than done, but I think you could do it, with the right support.

I do worry about you though, because you love those buns so much, but you'll love the baby even more, and you may get worse. Is there any way you can speed up the referal process to get some proper help around the time the baby is born?

For tonight, maybe do something small to get you back in the positive about controlling your ocd, you must be feeling a bit helpless, so maybe a small victory may sort of round off the day on a positive. Just a small step, nothing major.