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U/D 15 July. Finally bought a wheelie bin for hay storage.

Can you drill into it on the side and the top and put a lock on like a small bike lock so the neighbours don't fly tip in it? :D
although usually there is no problem with these (and I do thoroughly recommend them) NEW hay (ie stuff fresh from the hay harvest which is happenning as I type!!!) can 'sweat' as it is usually baled very slightly green still. In this heat that can be an issue - so I suggest propping open the lid of the bin whilst you can be confident it is not going to rain.
although usually there is no problem with these (and I do thoroughly recommend them) NEW hay (ie stuff fresh from the hay harvest which is happenning as I type!!!) can 'sweat' as it is usually baled very slightly green still. In this heat that can be an issue - so I suggest propping open the lid of the bin whilst you can be confident it is not going to rain.

Thanks. I only had a quarter of a bale left so its loose in the bin.

I did notice the hay is more straw like, which ironically the buns seem to like. I will put up the lid tomorrow.