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    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Twitching rabbit - Started again! #71

Looks like you saw it really quickly so all the best for a good recovery! Vibes to your lovely bun, I have a semi able ec recovered bun! They can get through it xx
Looks like you saw it really quickly so all the best for a good recovery! Vibes to your lovely bun, I have a semi able ec recovered bun! They can get through it xx

Thank you, I'm not sure if it is EC but at least I'm on the right treatment if it is.

I forgot to mention that just before we took him to the vet that he wee'd on the floor. He just stood up where he was lying and pee'd moved away from it and lay back down. Given that he's litter trained and he never pee's outside his box it was a concern.
Sounds like your vet is good. Why do rabbits have to get sick, it just seems there are so many who are unwell but I guess if someone's rabbit is well then you're not going to post!

I will certainly be posting when Doughnut is well though, don't care if everyone is fed up with me by then:D

Keep us updated. What a terrible time you are going through after lossing Roxy.
In the first vid I would deffo have thought it was dental or something wrong with his mouth/throat etc. With the second vid and the things you've been describing it almost seems like mini fits or muscle spasms. I hope it is something like E.C, at least that can be treatable, I wouldn't know what else could cause this apart from ingesting something toxic.
Is he eating something in the video or is that how he twitches his nose.

I have to say watching the video again I absolutely love him. I hope you upload a happier one when he is better.
Is he eating something in the video or is that how he twitches his nose.

I have to say watching the video again I absolutely love him. I hope you upload a happier one when he is better.

He isn't eating but that's not his normal nose twitch either. Its something to do with the issue as he does a chew like thing after the head twitch. Its all very strange.
It is. I know when I saw Mark he said about Doughnut having a ledge in her oesthogas. She didn't but some rabbits get that and the food sort of comes back up. I just wonder if some food is coming back up into his mouth. Rabbits can't be sick but he said that doesn't mean they can't have reflux or their diaphram doesn't spasm as they can still get that reflex.

I wonder if you are concerned if you could email the videos to Mark and say he's been recommended but to look at the video for you and you would be happy to pay over the phone. I had to email the videos to him even though he saw them on my phone! He would definitely be able to diagnose. He probably wouldn't even charge but obviously he may.
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It is. I know when I saw Mark he said about Doughnut having a ledge in her oesthogas. She didn't but some rabbits get that and the food sort of comes back up. I just wonder if some food is coming back up into his mouth. Rabbits can't be sick but he said that doesn't mean they can't have reflux or their diaphram doesn't spasm as they can still get that reflex.

I wonder if you are concerned if you could email the videos to Mark and say he's been recommended but to look at the video for you and you would be happy to pay over the phone. I had to email the videos to him even though he saw them on my phone! He would definitely be able to diagnose. He probably wouldn't even charge but obviously he may.

Thank you for the offer I'll see how we get on for now. Xx
Ha ha

Here's me looking to see what mummy is doing.

And me snuggled under my new fleece.

Oh I think he should come and live with me! He's just too cute. Is he sitting on a fleece with one over him? Doughnut always sleeps on her fleece blanket, she loves it.
He looks diddy like Doughnut.
He's doing fine thanks. He's not twitched full body since Monday when I took him to the vet but last night he was doing the head twitch back again.

He's missing Roxy I'm quite sure, he's been fine but he wants attention a lot at the moment and he could take or leave us before. Poor toot.

I don't even think I could look at another partner whilst he *might* have EC, from what I've read it can be passed on.