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Timothy or normal hay?


Warren Scout
I'm new to owning rabbits and am a little confuddled whether to feed timothy or normal hay? I've read up that timothy hay is more nutritious but would it be too rich to feed on a daily basis?

Sorry if I'm sounding like a bit of an idiot:roll:
They're both good for the bunnies to eat, but rabbits tend to prefer Timothy to eat, but it does cost more. :)
Is it more expensive? Think I will have to have hay for bedding as well as timothy

I'm not sure. I get mine in small bags for $4 at Walmart (it's from the same supplier even though its from Walmart, so same quality as anywhere). It seems abut as much as any hay I've seen, but I've heard that its possibly a bit much expensive than other grass hays when you buy bales. I'll have to see in a couple weeks when I hopefully get my bales of hay.
I'm not sure. I get mine in small bags for $4 at Walmart (it's from the same supplier even though its from Walmart, so same quality as anywhere). It seems abut as much as any hay I've seen, but I've heard that its possibly a bit much expensive than other grass hays when you buy bales. I'll have to see in a couple weeks when I hopefully get my bales of hay.

I think I'm gonna stick to cheap bales of hay from local farmer. The rabbits I'm adopting are massive anyway so I'm sure they won't miss out lol
I get mine in small bags for $4 at Walmart (it's from the same supplier even though its from Walmart, so same quality as anywhere).

I think most of the Timothy hay in the UK is imported from the USA...so it's quite pricey by the time it gets to the consumer here. :roll:

It's worth it though, it looks and smells lovely and the buns adore it, I pop mine in a hayrack to stop it getting accidentally soiled and use the swept up bits on the litter tray.
I get timothy hay by the bale and it's the same price as meadow hay - £5 a bale. :D It's very different to the american timothy though.

I think the most important thing is to feed a hay that your buns enjoy (and so eat lots of). If they're happy with the baled meadow hay (which will work out cheaper for you) then feed them that. :)