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timothy hay.....


Mama Doe
after buying timothy and rye and not being impressed (half of it is yellow) Ive decided to pay the extra and get some from timothyhay.co.uk. It should arrive today :) x
I've been using the the timothy hay from timothyhay.co.uk for the last week and a half now and it's fab, long green stalks. £22 for 10kg is a good price too for quality you get.
I've requested a free sample from timothyhay.co.uk. Apparently it was posted yesterday. Can't wait to try it out :D
Did you get emails to say it was posted? i requested a sample a few days ago and not had an email :?

Edit: Just checked my messages and sample is on its way, must of missed it before :D
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I am really impressed with it as well. Lovely fat sweet smelling stalky hay. mmmmm
Got my sample this morning. Ash looked a bit more interested than she normally does in hay but as usual no chomping. :( Bailey absolutely loves it and has devoured it already, the cheap stuff I bought last week is now being ignored :thumb: