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Time to start injections/worming?


Alpha Buck
Right Flopsy and Toto are now 14 weeks (ish) they are settled with routine. new food and the cecotrophs (thingy me bobs :) )have been drastically reduced and they now have their lovely new hay from the hay experts so pleased now was struggle at first getting hutch cleaning routine right and Toto being very pooly after that first week at home i am so pleased with the progress and how they are settled in just nicely now.

Thing is its time to start thinking about worming and injections now which shall i do first shall i get the Myxi jabs done then two weeks later get the lapinject then leave them for few weeks to revover from that before worming??

also worming- pet shops all recommending and websites that sell Panacur are saying 9 day course do i do the 28 day one where can that be brought? do i get it at vets or buy cheaper myself?
