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The Welfare Hutch Company is taking orders again!


Young Bun
Hi everyone or should that be everybun! just to let you know the Welfare Hutch Company is now taking orders again. The workshop has moved to sunny North Wales and ive been helping out with the facebook page as has Boris!!

We have had a few technical issues but all seems ok now. I look forward to being part of the forum and seeing all the pics of your rabbits as well as hopefully sharing mine (when I work out how to do it!! : ):wave:
What great news. I am a very happy Welfare hutch customer. My belgian hares really like their hutch and spend time in, under and on top of it.

Roll on pics of Boris.
Jeez that's huge! This was boris in the old pen used whilst cleaning out, they now have their own garage as well as outdoor runs but the old room was really dark (it's a old farm stable!)
Great news have you moved to anglesey? You used to be on my door step now you are near my in laws they live there
Great news have you moved to anglesey? You used to be on my door step now you are near my in laws they live there

Hi yes based in Anglesey now it's a beautiful place

Here's a better pic of boris il sort through the 4000 for the others!

I'm so very pleased to see that you're back up and running.

Just placed a hefty order today for quite a lot of burrow pipes. Can't wait to get started on improving the set ups for the rescue bunnies here.

And Boris looks the spitting image of a 9 year old boy I took in last weekend called Leo :) Very handsome