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Oooowwwweeee! Lillian, you are so floofy and perfect

Take a load of this

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That there is one very special moment. A Mapley syrupy sponge with a Dennis topping. Just beautiful
Presenting an extremely rare Fudgie sploof. Fudgie is a very inexperienced sploofer so she kindly requests that the panel be gentle with her in their critique.


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awww, little Fudgie popsicle. 10 out of 10 for effort & 9 out of 10 for the sploof. A golden 10 is not far off, keep practicising baby girl

This is from Joey, Boo Boo is upside down & Mousey is in no position to judge
Lillian is uber impressed and goes for 10's across the board. Extra points for the snakes and ladders mat- clearly some clever play making rabbits. Lillian thinks Fudgie is one beautiful rabbit.
Dillon says wit whoo and cuthy says that this an exemplary use of nice feetsies. Cuthy uses words such as exemplary only on a tuesday
All in favour of promoting Dillian and Cuthy to the board of Directors please say aye.

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