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The Rabbit Chat Thread With Florence & The Gang

grrrrr our 2 foot hasnt fed us our supper yet :x :( we are making as much noise as possible though to attract her attention.......we had better have something extra special tonight!!!
ha ha, i had the most fun tonight. While mum was making tea i hid in my secret place she doesn't know. When she came outside to give us tea, Phoebe sat there looking all innocent while mummy looked for me. I was so quiet she couldn't find me and she started getting all panicky :lol:
Even though i was starving i hid for ages, i nearly made her cry :lol: Then when she turned her back i hopped out and lay on the grass like i'd been there all along. She has no idea where my secret hiding place is.
Its such fun to play mind games with the two foots. I might do my pretendy tummy ache thing tomorrow to see if i can get her all panicky again! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mr Hobbes bun.
i (teegra) have found that the most fun place to hide was in the bale of hay. unfortunately a certain young lady *stares at duchess* isnt very ladylike in her eating habits and dived into the hay face first resulting in a trip to the vets, eye medicine and my beloved hiding place hay bale being taken away :roll: :(
Polo here, i am a snot box... and mammy shoved me and oscar in a stupid box and then we got prodded by the nasty vet... and injected twice! :shock: Not speaking to mammy at the moment.... Oscar says hello :wave:
Hi, Archie here:wave: Sorry we missed the party, bunny mummy grounded us because myself and Flora have been digging big holes in the garden - we thought it would be an easier route to get to Blackpool:lol: Koo and Daffodil have been grounded too as Koo has not been sharing the veg. Joey was looking forward to buying a "kiss me quick hat" and having a slow dance with Florence but his daughters Phoebe and Monica were not impressed by his intentions:oops:
Ha, Hairy and Fluffy are so stooopid! They actually thought all the poop was ours and Hairys got the tape measure out again! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nellies been brewing some carrot wine ready for the next bash, I think she's a bit sweet on Grandpa Gregory myself.

Elvis is hoping Mishka can make the next one. He's so vain. He thinks we all love him loads because we groom him a lot, he doesnt realise he always has some tasty hay stuck to his face.

Poppet has given up on her perm and decided on straighteners. She talked about it all night to Duchess and Teegra. It suits her much better, she got Kitty to help her.

Booboo is keeping our 2-foots occupied whilst I write this and Colleen is a brilliant lookout.

Rita and Dylan couldnt make the party, being house buns their absence would have been spotted.

So have any buns got any gossip?

Florence xx

PS, Ive never been asked to slow dance before :oops:
i have snowey bun here i have had my 2 foot trying to get me out in the run for days but would i go oh no but today just to make her happy i played out side fior a bit then hid under my hutch. Whole 2 foot slave was cleaning out my hutch about time to i say been all of a day since she did it

ps i enjoyed the party sorry i had to leave earley but 2 foot gets up early and would have seen me getting back
There were FOUR bin-bags full :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: !


sounds about right :lol:
Mum was so pleased with me this morning - she thought I'd been a good boy and done everything in the litter tray! :lol: ha! she's never guess where I really did it!!! :D

Scip x
Does anyone else think the forum guests might think our two foots are a bunch of looneys with this thread? :shock: :lol:
he he he how to confuse the 2 foots go to party then pretend you have been a good bun oh baileys sulking becuse he couldent come hes in the house you see ha ha silly man he is im not having that in my hutch not that mum knows this he he he:lol: :lol: :lol:
HAHAH guess what!!!!!! my bunny mum left the front off the botton of the hutch when she put us to bed the other night, in the bunny palace:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

God did we have a ball, Bacardi breezer wasnt in it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:did we party!!!!!!

She came in in the morning and just said OMG!!!!!!!!

How did you get out:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Think she had too many wines the night before:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We had a blast:lol: :lol: :lol: