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Summer flooring ideas for outdoors?


Young Bun
We just ordered a 6x4 hutch that has a run underneath for our future bun. The problem is that it will be sitting on pavers in my yard that get hot in the summertime (I worry they will still get hot even if we shade the area like we plan to do.) Any suggestions for alternate flooring to put down before placing the hutch structure on it?

It looks like this:
Bunny hutch area

Travertine tiles have come to mind, since I read that they stay cool in summer....thoughts on that?

Thank you so much!
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I'm sorry I'm not very good with housing ideas :oops: But hope some one else can offer some advice :wave:
if by pavers you mean paving slabs? they are very cool in the shade, but hot in the sun... so as long as it is all in the shade they will benefit from being on slabs!!
I think any sort of tile would get hot in full sun.

Greenhouse shade netting is good for shading rabbit runs, you could attach that to create shade so it go less hot to start with, but it still allows air to circulate.

A large shallow tray eg designed for growbags or out of an old indoor rabbit cage would be good filled with soil. Rabbit's like to dig shallow depressions and nap in those. If you watered it once a day, that would help it stay cooler too, and they'll just turn the soil over to get a cool spot.

Spraying water on paving is a good way to cool it down, the rabbits won't mind if the ground is a little damp.

The other way rabbits cool down is burrow, so another option would be to create some sort of sunken area (lined with mesh to stop them digging out) the grounds a good insulator so it tends to stay cooler underground.