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Summer and moulting


New Kit
Bens started to moult and I do brush him but I don't seem to get it all and usually when I stroke him just after there is still loads of loose fur.

Does anyone have any great grooming brushes/secrets etc?

I think his illness might have been cause by a hairball too so I am extra cautious about his grooming now
My house bun moults like this, i have tried everything on her and nothing works i find the easiest way now is just to stroke her and pull the loose hair off her
I've found that pulling it gently is more effective than brushing. There also seems to be less hair flying round with this method than when I brush them. Esp if you keep your hands very slightly damp!
I pull the losse hair off too. The only thing that seems to work apart from that is a 'slika' cat brush but I'd only use it on a bun with thick fur.

i'm new, i have a cashmere lop called Charlie...

hes moulting and it is new to me as hes my first baby and although you can read lots about them you never know everything..

His coat is getting tangled in his old coat, and i'm going to ask advice on another thread but i wanted to suggest a rubber glove.

If your bun likes being stroked then its great and gets the excess off.

just a marigold will do or one with little bumps on!

Charlie loves it!


Andrea xx

Have you tried one of the glove brushes that you use on cats/dogs and horses. Good if bun doesn't like being picked up or being brushed with a normal brush. Bun won't get stressed with pulling on his/her fur like a proper brush.

The horse ones are better as they are made of the stuff that sack bags are made off. They fit like a glove on your hand and you just rub it over Bun's body. They are not very expensive and you can get the dog/cat ones from most pound shops.

My Bun loves it, he can sit for hours with this and will even nod off.

Good luck with the grooming!
I use slicker brushes as they get right into the under coat. I also use a 'stripping' motion to pluck the loose hair free from the rear end....basically pinching and gently pulling it free ion short sharp movements, something similar to what dog goomers use on some dog breeds.
I do not brush my rabbits, because they do not like it.
But while they moult, I feed them kiwi fruit twice a week (a half kiwi for 4 buns). Kiwi (as well as fresh pineapple) contains an enzyme that helps the hairs to get through the digestive tract.